Arc browser just nuked all of my spaces and preferences. I need help to restore things. Is anyone able to help me figure this out? #ArcBrowser
Been using #ArcBrowser since March, but now I’m kind of fed up with it. I’m sure its amazing and I’m probably using only about 5% of its potential but the learning curve has been pretty steep.
I often have to go back to Safari because “it just works”, where the #Arc experience is so different that I find my productivity being reduced because of it.
Also it less well integrated than Safari with the Apple ecosystem, but that I knew from the start.
split view 也可以直接拖到 favorite 區,
然後 pinned tab 預設的行為是關掉但不移除。
所以現在我是這樣理解的:上面(favorite 區)= profile scope 的 pinned tab,下面是 space scope。
This is ridiculous, but I enjoyed it.
I use Gmail “Multiple Inboxes” to show the “Incoming” label under my inbox. I tag order emails to remember what I’m expecting.
If I buy a present for my partner, I worry she’ll spot it over my shoulder, so I made an #ArcBrowser boost to blur them if not hovered. (Based on a hard-coded email thread ID for now.)
I know I could just stick them in some separate “Secret incoming” label that’s not always visible, but where’s the fun in that?
@m0bi13 chciałem przetestować, ale nie da się importować danych z #ArcBrowser 😔
Not sure how long this has been, but Arc Browser is letting Windows users to be on their wait list as they plan to launch Windows version in Winter, 2023. #browser #WebBrowser #ArcBrowser
#browser #webbrowser #arcbrowser
#ArcBrowser でDownloadの保存先は毎回確認するように設定してるのにダウンロードフォルダに保存されちゃうと思ったら、プロフィールごとに設定するのね
Can you folks who have tried the #ArcBrowser do a compare and contrast with #Firefox? I am a really way far from an expert on #browser #security, and this #Arc thing is new to me.
#arcbrowser #firefox #browser #security #arc
#ArcBrowser offers a unique sidebar for organizing tabs, spaces for categorizing browsing, and tools like easels and boosts for customizing your web experience. Though still new, it brings some innovative ideas to browser design. #browsers #webbrowsers
#arcbrowser #browsers #webbrowsers
@atpfm @caseyliss #askatp @marcoarment @siracusa Have any of you guys tried #ArcBrowser by The Browser Company? After using it for a couple month it puts safari to shame. I would be curious on what you guys thin about it.
Here’s a link to download Arc, the
browser I was telling you about!
On Arc Browser I wish I could show the Toolbar when Sidebar is hidden, then, hide the Toolbar when Sidebar is shown.
Tech Addicts Podcast – 6th August – Tab S9, Flip5 and Fold5 Samsung Unpacked
This week - Samsung Galaxy, Tab S9, Flip5, Fold5, Watch6, S9 FE, Galaxy Ring, Lume Pad 2, Wizman, Oppo, OnePlus, Arc Browser, Motion 1 and Threads
#Podcast #TechAddicts #ArcBrowser #Flip5 #Fold5 #GalaxyRing #LumePad2 #Motion1 #OnePlus #oppo #S9FE #SamsungGalaxy #TabS9 #Threads #Watch6 #Wizman
#wizman #watch6 #threads #tabs9 #SamsungGalaxy #s9fe #oppo #oneplus #motion1 #lumepad2 #galaxyring #fold5 #flip5 #arcbrowser #techaddicts #Podcast
Been thinking about browsers and things...
The one thing which I do love about #ArcBrowser is outlined in green in the image below.
The fact that the webpage itself goes ALL THE WAY UP is something I love. Give me ALL the pixels to use for webbiness.
I've gotten used to left-side tabs now in #Edge, #Firefox, and (especially) #Vivaldi. I like them and I'm converted. Vivaldi lets you get really, really thin on the top, but not zero.
I don't like Arc's implementation of tabs and space, it's not my style. That left pane has so much wasted space. It's like it's made for a tablet.
#arcbrowser #edge #firefox #vivaldi
Literally everything that is based on Chrome:
#microsoft #edge
#Amazon #Silk
Literally any #RPGMaker game!
#samsungkidsbrowser (aka My Browser)
#puffinbrowser #jiopages #cốccốc #arcbrowser #samsungkidsbrowser #maxthon #ucbrowser #avastsecurebrowser #comododragon #kiwibrowser #colibri #blisk #SRWAREIRON #operaneon #epicprivacybrowser #visualstudiocode #OperaGX #yandex #ungoogledchromium #vivaldi #rpgmaker #spotify #silk #amazon #samsunginternet #brave #edge #Microsoft #steam #opera #chromecanary #chromium #chrome
#ArcBrowser は起動時にアカウント作らないといけないんだけど、その時作ったアカウントの削除は「help @」にメール送るとできます。どこにも書いてないけど。😅
I tried the #SidekickBrowser the last few months and was a big fan of having tabs turned into apps in a sidebar. Now trying this #ArcBrowser thing and it seems pretty good so far.
I thought I'd try out Arc Browser, as it had now reached release and was no longer invite only.
- Greeted by an obnoxious welcome video/animation and noise
- Forced to create and account
- It crashed when trying to scroll through some information on the sign-up screen, taking windowmanager with it
…あと iOS 版もあるけど、こちらはあくまで Mac 版の補助的使い方がメインって感じ。
載ってる機能は必要最低限。Mac版で開いてるページ(タブ)を開いたり、iOS 版で開いたページを Mac 版でも開けたり等々したい人には向いてるかもだけど、モバイルブラウザでバリバリ色んな事したい人には向いてない。😅 >iOS版 #ArcBrowser