New, small post. Nothing crazy and most #arch users probably already know this - but it could help newbies!
"Installing Older Versions of MongoDB on Arch Linux"
Been long overdue to dedicate a good chunk of weekend time to #writing ! Decided to give @obsidian some love again since it's been a while.
Went ahead and updated to a new theme, and then I remembered...this app is so damn beautiful!!! 🤩 💯
It's always a choice between #notesnook and #obsidian , but when I'm on my #arch box it's almost always the latter! 🤘 :arch: 🔮
#writing #Notesnook #obsidian #arch
op 3 Best Selling Arch Motorcycle in 2023
Every motorcycle made by Arch is a special example of precision and craftsmanship. The attention to detail, the stunning design, and the dedication to pushing the limits of what is feasible in the realm of custom motorcycles are evident as soon as you set eyes on one.
Full Blog:
#arch #archmotorcycle #cycle #motorcycle #archbike #cycle #luxury #luxurycycle #luxurybike #caturday
#arch #archmotorcycle #cycle #motorcycle #archbike #luxury #luxurycycle #luxurybike #caturday
If you've never tried #Linux before, there are so many different desktop environments now. You can start with ultra-stable #Debian, the most popular #Ubuntu, or take your chances with distros like #Arch.
Most distros have live versions that let you check it out without installing anything. If you have an old PC or laptop, you can install and test it out.
#Microsoft took your money, yet they still advertise on your desktop and take metadata of what you do. It's not right. Don't let them!
#linux #debian #ubuntu #arch #microsoft
A comparaison between #Manjaro and #EndeavourOS
Both are #Arch based Linux distributions:
I will keep using :manjaro: on my #raspberry #pi4.
I chose it because there is less regular update to do to keep it up-to-date compare to arch.
(I didn't install any desktop environment).
#manjaro #endeavouros #arch #raspberry #pi4
After more than 2'000 km last weekend #Java #Duke passed the #Arch, the *Gateway to the West*, in #StLouis. About 4'500 more km of his second #TransUSA are still ahead. Cross your fingers to see him taking a bath in the Pacific at the end of October! While he is moving, you can watch his life position online:
#java #duke #arch #stlouis #transusa
Manjaro 23.0 Uranos released
#Linux #Linuxnews #Manjaro #Arch #Uranos
#uranos #arch #manjaro #linuxnews #linux
My mother now uses arch, btw 😎
A voler fare la punta ai chiodi, c'è chi sostiene che "non è una distro".
Nel senso che se vuoi te la fai a manina da linea di comando 'come ti pare'.
Comunque esistono anche soluzioni facilitate, tipo #Garuda o quella che tendenzialmente preferisco
E per la cronaca, no: #Manjaro non è propriamente #Arch.
Ok, abbastanza per le polemiche - speriamo di no, ho solo espresso mie opinioni e un paio di links.
Final words on the subject
I apologize if I gave you the wrong impression. Wasn't my intention. #XeroLinux just makes it easier to install #Arch with an awesome #KDE desktop, beyond that it's up to you. That's the way it should've been from the start... Please don't hate me for that. I do the best I can. #FOSS #Linux
#xerolinux #arch #kde #foss #linux
... Continued
#XeroLinux is based on #Arch meaning you will need to have the ability to do the research and read the #ArchWiki to solve your issues on your own. Hence our motto "Where learning is the Norm and Self-Reliance is King". I am but a single individual doing all this. Support will be limited to custom configs by me. Hope that clears it up for you. #FOSS #Linux
#xerolinux #arch #archwiki #foss #linux
I use Arch, BTW. 🙃
#arch #windows #devops #programming #meme #linuxmeme #linux
Al mes de maig, #Arch Linux va anunciar una modificació en l'estructura dels seus repositoris.
Aquest canvi, és clar, va afectar totes les distros derivades d'aquella, entre les quals #endeavouros, que tinc instal·lada en tres màquines. Les instruccions que vaig trobar per a adaptar-se a aquells canvis (i poder continuar actualitzant de forma normal), o bé no estaven completes, o bé no eren clares o bé, simplement, no les vaig entendre bé. Com a resultat, després de fer-ne una aplicació (que, ara, puc suposar que va ser només parcial), els paquets propis d'EndeavourOS no s'actualitzaven (per sort, els que depenien directament d'Arch Linux, sí). Després de tres mesos llargs, he aconseguit solucionar el problema en les màquines, així que m'ho deixaré apuntat per ací, per si ho necessite més endavant i per si encara hi ha algú que no se n'ha sortit.
Com a root, editar el fixer /etc/pacman.conf i comentar (afegir # a l'inici de les línies) els repositoris que desapareixen:
#Include = /etc/pacman.d/mirrorlist
#Include = /etc/pacman.d/mirrorlist
Assegureu-vos que el repositori propi d'EndeavourOS hi és:
SigLevel = PackageRequired
Include = /etc/pacman.d/endeavouros-mirrorlist
(Em sembla recordar que hauria de ser aquest el primer repositori definit.)
Deseu el fitxer i sortiu.
Sempre com a administrador, actualitzeu el sistema amb:
# pacman -Syyuu
(Després, feu el mateix amb yay per a actualitzar els paquets aur, si n'havíeu instal·lat algun.)
Tanmateix, és aquí on em vaig trobar amb un maldecap de claus no signades; si us passa el mateix, aneu al pas 5.
Sempre com a administrador, actualitzeu l'anell de claus d'EndeavourOS (no tinc ni idea de què vol dir això):
# pacman -Sy endeavouros-keyring
A continuació, proveu d'actualitzar (pas 4). Si el problema persisteix, actualitzeu també les claus d'Arch Linux:
# pacman-key --refresh-keys
[Davant de «refresh-keys» hi ha dos guionets: de vegades, el navegador en mostra un de més llarg.]
I torneu a actualitzar (com en el pas 4).
En el meu cas, cada màquina s'ha comportat de forma diferent: en una, he acabat amb el pas 4; en una altra, he hagut de fer el primer ajust del pas 5 i, en la tercera, tots dos ajustos.
Probablement, la font de tots els problemes ha estat la meua insuficient formació (no conec bé el funcionament profund de pacman i els repositoris) i el meu pèssim anglés. Però estava força convençut que, en un lloc o en un altre, trobaria les instruccions completes i clares. Disculpeu, això sí, que us enllace les fonts: he anat saltant d'una màquina a una altra totes aquestes setmanes i no tinc forma de recuperar les adreces que he llegit.
Use #arch? Don't have secure boot or fedora's key expired? I wrote an script that installs ubuntu's signed shim and tries to automate some of the work, this is only meant as reference, because it WILL mess up your bootloader if you run it wrong: