You can't miss this release if you're interested in Mexican #archaeology. It is available on Editorial Raices' website.
#archaedons queodons #ArqueologiaMexicana
#archaeology #archaedons #arqueologiamexicana
Tanasi, D. (2020). Sicily Before the Greeks. The Interaction with Aegean and the Levant in the Pre-colonial Era. Open Archaeology, 6(1), 172-205. #openaccess #oa #history #archaeology #sicily #bronzeage #aegean #cyprus #trade #europe #mediterranean #histodon #histodons #archaedons @histodon @histodons @archaeodons
#archaeology #sicily #bronzeage #aegean #cyprus #trade #histodons #openaccess #oa #history #europe #mediterranean #histodon #archaedons
Very interesting conference in Rome supported by Université de Lille, the Romanian Academy and the École Fraçaise about #Archaeology, #LateAntiquity, #Churches and #Christianity in the Balkans, presenting the results of the #ProjetDanubius. For #Archaedons :
#archaeology #lateantiquity #churches #christianity #projetdanubius #archaedons