Today's Flickr photo with the most hits was taken in the archaeological museum of Naples, and shows a fresco from the Villa Boscoreale.
#naples #fresco #romans #vesuvius #painting #archaeology #ArchaeologicalMuseum
#naples #fresco #romans #vesuvius #painting #archaeology #archaeologicalmuseum
Today's photo with the most hits: the 'garland' sarcophagus, Archaeological Museum, Side, Turkey.
#sarcophagus #roman #side #Turkiye #archaeologicalmuseum
Today's Flickr photo with the most hits: a 14th CE mosaic - Theotokos with Christ child. It's in the Archaeological Museum of Sofia.
#icon #mosaic #theotokos #christ #sofia #ArchaeologicalMuseum #byzantine
#icon #mosaic #theotokos #christ #sofia #archaeologicalmuseum #byzantine
Today's photo with the most hits: this Resurrection fresco. Seen in the Archaeological Museum, Sofia.
#resurrection #fresco #bulgaria #ArchaeologicalMuseum #sofia
#resurrection #fresco #bulgaria #archaeologicalmuseum #sofia
Today's Flickr photo with the most hits: this statue of Asclepius, from Perge. It's home is the Archaeological Museum, Antalya.
#perge #turkey #antalya #ArchaeologicalMuseum #asclepius #statue #roman #marble #sculpture
#perge #turkey #antalya #archaeologicalmuseum #asclepius #statue #roman #marble #sculpture
Today’s Flickr photo with the most hits: this statue of Athena in the Archaeological Museum of Piraeus. It was taken in 2007 when the archaeological museum was closed for renovation but when I rocked up at the door to gaze at the Piraeus Bronzes (ignorant and excited), staff took pity upon me and let in me to snatch a few photos. Such kindness.
#piraeus #athena #bronze #statue #ArchaeologicalMuseum Piraeus
#piraeus #athena #bronze #statue #archaeologicalmuseum
Today’s Flickr photo with the most hits: seen in the archaeological museum of Heraklion - Serapis, with Cerberus.
#serapis #ArchaeologicalMuseum #heraklion #crete #RomanStatue #GrecoEgyptianGod #Ptolemies
#serapis #archaeologicalmuseum #heraklion #Crete #romanstatue #grecoegyptiangod #ptolemies
Today's Flickr photo with the most hits -
Today’s Flickr photo with the most hits: a marble relief of Demeter, in the Carthage Museum, Tunis.
#MarbleRelief #BasRelief #carthage #tunis #ArchaeologicalMuseum #demeter #sculpture #roman
#marblerelief #basrelief #carthage #tunis #archaeologicalmuseum #demeter #sculpture #roman