One of my favorite #stamps from the United States, 1934, Mesa Verde National Park. Engraved by Harry L. Peckmore.
#philately #filatelia #sellos #stampcollecting #arqueosellos #archaeostamps
#stamps #philately #filatelia #sellos #stampcollecting #arqueosellos #archaeostamps
Laocoön and His Sons
Vatican City
Issued - 2006
Type - Commemorative
Print Method - Offset lithography and Embossed
#stamps #philately #stampcollecting #archaeostamps
Rock art from Brasil
#philately #filatelia #stamps #sellos #arqueosellos #archaeostamps
#archaeostamps #arqueosellos #sellos #stamps #filatelia #philately
The Aliseda Hoard (Cáceres), from 7th century BC, is one of the most extraordinary examples of orientalizing jewellery
#philately #archaeostamps #stamps #arcaheology
#arcaheology #stamps #archaeostamps #philately