GryphonSK · @GryphonSK
275 followers · 3073 posts · Server
Steve Dustcircle ⍻ · @dustcircle
145 followers · 3483 posts · Server
! Quite Interesting · @notqikipedia
47 followers · 482 posts · Server

Word of the Day: ANSHUM-SCRANCHUM (archaic) — to convince a man of an argument by applying increasing physical pressure to his most personal coin purse.

#wordoftheday #dictionary #archaic #ouch

Last updated 1 year ago

Dragonfly · @Ultraverified
72 followers · 808 posts · Server

Back when dinosaurs roamed Earth, and I had a Windows 95 operating system I made a .wav file from "Help, help I'm being repressed!" that played if the system had a fatal error.

To paraphrase another famous Brit, "you're still bloody peasants as far as I can see" ...

Working class heroes, and swords in ponds. Oh my.

#irrelevant #monarchy #archaic #anachronistic #silly

Last updated 2 years ago

PhoenixSerenity · @msquebanh
1305 followers · 12479 posts · Server
Terminal Impala · @terminalimpala
13 followers · 147 posts · Server

I've talked about ejaculating before.Here's an example from Fraser's Magazine, Volume 32 (1845).

#priests #archaic #language #pompous

Last updated 2 years ago

🌬 NorthWind · @NorthWind
605 followers · 680 posts · Server

@del @Rasta @ChildeOfFyre Yes agree. The Ed system failed, is still failing, the wonderful, sensitive, creative, bright & often brilliant students who learn differently. Our Ed system is & was built as a 1-size-fits-all factory. It was so clear how the were wrong. Not only did these students NOT have an attention deficit, they had the ability to pay attention to EVERYTHING.

#labels #adhd #add #archaic

Last updated 2 years ago

PC · @PChoate
209 followers · 1291 posts · Server

@tf @walterscott

is an .

In my area, we have more land, and the duck hunting clubs help fund the west-coast . So, next to every are clubs.

We go out to watch the and , which is vey cool, but in the background there’s always gunfire. Depressing.

#migrate #geese #cranes #preserve #flyway #sport #archaic #hunting

Last updated 2 years ago

Thomas Adam · @thomasadam
111 followers · 110 posts · Server

is a application which offers a rolodex-like program to store information.


#x11cp #archaic #application #xrolodex #motif

Last updated 2 years ago

Thomas Adam · @thomasadam
111 followers · 109 posts · Server

From the README:

is an interactive program running under . Its input is a so
called "world file", which is an ASCII file containing descriptions of objects
such as airports, roads, towns, radio beacons and the like. ICAO will use
either Lambert or Mercator projection to generate a map from this world file,
either on your screen or as PostScript output.

ICAO allows you to interactively work with the map on the screen, i.e. scroll
it, use a rubber line to measure distances and tracks etc. Additional features
are available for both motorized flights and soaring.


#x11cp #archaic #application #icao #x11 #motif

Last updated 2 years ago

Thomas Adam · @thomasadam
111 followers · 109 posts · Server

This time round, it's .

is an application screenshot/capture program, similar to .

The interesting part of this program is the number of formats it inherently supports:

* ps
* eps
* epsi
* gif
* ppm


#x11cp #x11 #archaic #application #xwpick #xwd

Last updated 2 years ago

Stitcher · @Stitcher
187 followers · 294 posts · Server

Several months ago I was working on a project and my usual means of transferring images weren't suited to the task. What I needed was carbon paper.

Well, friends, look what I found in the weird cabinet of random supplies at work today! I have no current purpose for it, but I am confident uses will emerge over the years.

Now I wonder, does carbon paper go bad? I guess I shall have to experiment.

#officesupplies #archaic

Last updated 2 years ago

Deborah Williams · @mannahattamamma
5 followers · 3 posts · Server

Dear NYT I’m trying but here is my brilliant son trying to address an envelope: “wait the stamp goes where? And the address goes *above* the name? Which side of the envelope? What’s a zip code?” It’s a losing battle

#genz #archaic

Last updated 2 years ago

ATM :tux: 🦖 · @ATM
5 followers · 51 posts · Server
Thomas Adam · @thomasadam
72 followers · 96 posts · Server


It's time (yes, literally) for another clock application.

This time (heh!), it's which as the name suggests, draws a digital clock from a series of dots. It does this using nothing more than xlib.

It was originally written by Haran Shivanan, sometime in 2003-July-07

The README highlights the following:

"It runs in both 12 hour and 24 hour modes and is somewhat configurable. You can display the clock in arbitrary colors or have it continuously shift colors, control the speed at which the particles move around and the size of the particles."

To get this to compile, I had to remove the GCC flag of `-m486` -- that's no longer supported.

What's interesting here though is the effect that has on the cycling between colours. That's now *very* fast, and although you can control that with the `-speed` option to introduce a delay, this isn't now working, since the CPU power has increased so much since the 486, that I'm going to have to modify the code to bring this option inline with more modern hardware.

Anyhow, screenshots attached! The "green" clock is meant to represent the cycling between colours -- and don't get me wrong, it does work, it's just *fast*! :)

#x11cp #archaic #xdotclock

Last updated 2 years ago

Thomas Adam · @thomasadam
71 followers · 90 posts · Server


Another clock application! This time, it's , written by Jaime Garcia Ghirelli, somtime in April 1994.

The README says:

"If clocks had been invented in Argentina (southern hemisphere), they would run anti-clockwise. Down there a sundial runs the other way around!

The program is an extension of the standard X clock widget. New features are: Configurable direction of rotation and font support in analog mode."

Interesting, indeed! So here's a screenshot showing a clock with roman numerals going clockwise, and a different clock showing the time going anti-clockwise.


#x11cp #x11 #archaic #xarclock

Last updated 2 years ago

Thomas Adam · @thomasadam
71 followers · 89 posts · Server


This time, it's which is a 56x56 intended to be used in 's wharf module, but equally applies to as well.

Originally written by Namio MATUDA, around 1999-Nov-24. The version I have here is 0.22

There is only one option `--day` which shows the day/month in the window.

Screenshots attached.

#x11cp #x11 #archaic #xsclock #dockapp #afterstep #FvwmButtons

Last updated 2 years ago

Thomas Adam · @thomasadam
68 followers · 83 posts · Server


This time it's a written in .

was written sometime in 1995 -- I cannot find the author's name, apart from 'Spiff'.

It's a catchy name, but there were quite a few toolbars like this which emulated goodstuff, which was a forerunner to what is now

With you can build up a panel with pixmap icons (XPMs) and launch programs. In 's case, this can be done interactively and then the running configuration can be saved to disk for to load next time.

What do I mean by this? Well...

#archaic #x11 #toolbar #motif #xmtoolbar #fvwm #FvwmButtons #xmtoobar

Last updated 2 years ago

Thomas Adam · @thomasadam
68 followers · 81 posts · Server

application time!

is a multipurpose X11 plotting program.

It is not responsible for drawing graphs relating to the popular music TV channel.

Originally written by Kenny Toh (1995-07-16).

The graphics library is just using raw X11. Amazing.

The plot-types supported are as follows:

* contour plots (rectangular grid, as well as triangular mesh)
* 2D line and scatter plots (x vs-y)
* 3D surface , line and scatter plots
* vector plots
* probability plots
* histograms
* barcharts

The program has an rough but functional Graphical User
Interface, through which it is possible to zoom in, zoom out, pan, toggle between 2D and 3D plots, and rotate 3D plots. Both color and grayscale postscript output are

I, for one, really like it! Move over, ! :)

#archaic #x11 #Plotmtv #gnuplot

Last updated 2 years ago

Thomas Adam · @thomasadam
60 followers · 68 posts · Server

application time!

is a magnifier for X11, allowing for portions of windows or the desktop to be magnified.

was originally written May 30th 1996, by Itai Nahshon.

Version 0.3 only supported 8-bit colour displays, but version 0.4 onward is maintained, and this supports upto 24-bit displays, and it's this version which most Linux distributions, and *BSD still ship to this day.

I've been using this program for years, and I find it really useful debugging window decorations in , as I can zoom in at detail to see how the rendering looks pixel-by-pixel.

#x11 #archaic #xzoom #fvwm3

Last updated 2 years ago