TTFW task was unfair, #BB16 should have given #NimritKaurAlhuwalia's cassette to either #PriyankaChaharChaudhary or #ArchanaGautam𓃵
Allowing #Mandali to save #NimritKaurAhluwalia made it clear that she would retain TTFW.
#NimritKaurAhluwalia #mandali #archanagautam𓃵 #priyankachaharchaudhary #NimritKaurAlhuwalia #bb16
I am a die hard fan of but I must say, these comments are disgusting and not suitable for national TV. Was he drunk while hosing the episode?
With all due respect to your family, how would you feel if someone asks a similar question to your family or loved ones Why is #ArchanaGautam𓃵 vulnerable in your show? Is it because she is Dalit? Or due to her political affiliation?