Spoke too soon. As soon as I rebooted after installation, #Archcraft had the infamous “missing network connection”. This requires a level of setup (read:hacking ) that I wasn’t prepared for with a Broadcom chip (Bcma/b43 module) running the show. A Realtek chip might have been ok because it uses a different module. So I’ll be giving #GarudaLinux and #EndeavourOS if GL doesn’t work out. One of these #Arch spin-offs ought to… #linux
#archcraft #garudalinux #endeavouros #arch #linux
Today I opened up the Mac mini I’ve had on the shelf after disassembling it six months ago. Looked at the guts, looked at whatever hardware needed to get installed, and then installed #Archcraft Linux on it. #AlpineLinux was my first choice but the installer script was throwing an error. So I skipped to my 2nd choice and it seems to be going well so far. #linux #tech
#archcraft #linux #tech #alpinelinux