Fascinating study of a 6,700-year old grave site. Researchers were able to extract DNA from 94 of the 128 bodies and construct a family tree. #archeaology #france https://www.livescience.com/archaeology/largest-ever-genetic-family-tree-reconstructed-for-neolithic-people-in-france-using-ancient-dna
The Art Of Roman Water Management Revealed
https://phys.org/news/2023-08-art-roman-revealed.html shared technical article
https://dx.doi.org/10.1038/s41598-023-38655-z <-- shared paper
#water #drinkingwater #waterresources #wateruse #watermanagement #waterindustry #watersecurity #watersupply #waterquality #hydrology #ancienthistory #ancientrome #archeaology #Romans #archaeology #infrastructure #infrastructuremanagement #history #lessonslearnt #aqueduct #Divona #France #socioeconomic #geoarchaeology #limescale #cleaning #maintainence #carbonate
#water #drinkingwater #waterresources #wateruse #watermanagement #waterindustry #watersecurity #watersupply #waterquality #hydrology #ancienthistory #ancientrome #archeaology #romans #archaeology #infrastructure #infrastructuremanagement #history #lessonslearnt #aqueduct #divona #france #socioeconomic #geoarchaeology #limescale #cleaning #maintainence #carbonate
I got confused by a #YouTube #video title, #HotToDateAnArtefact.
Then I saw it was posted by #TheBritishMuseum, and understood.
They're probably working on an #archeaology #AppForThat; something like #Lootr or #Robbr.
#robbr #lootr #AppforThat #archeaology #thebritishmuseum #hottodateanartefact #Video #YouTube
What a cool technology! Imagery to detect imprints and embossing and doodles from the past that connect us as humans across years! #archeaology
Neanderthals were smarter than you think
#archeaology #history
Excavators say they've found a previously unknown Egyptian royal tomb in Luxor
#History #archeaology #Africa #BlackMastodon
I have to go there again, as soon as tourist season is over 🌶️
#ancientrome #napoli #pompeii #naples #archeaology
Fourteen Discoveries Made About Human Evolution in 2022
#blackmastodan #archeaology #History
#standingstone #StandingStoneSunday #Archeaology #Leeds
A mystery Standing Stone which looks original but I am not absolutely sure its where it originally was ,Its in Meanwood Park #Leeds .theres what looks like it might be another standing stone further away near a river
Its also called the "WitchingStone and #Witches stone .We used to live nearby and it looked like it occasionally might have been used for rituals with flowers around it https://www.themodernantiquarian.com/site/7391/witchs_stone.html
#standingstone #StandingStoneSunday #archeaology #leeds #witches
#ireland #photography #tombtuesday #neolithic #ancient #archeaology #carrowmore
@archaeo_timber we there quite a few of us on here (most of archaeology twitter)
search #archeaology and remember to tag your own posts so they can be found have fun. today is #StandingStoneSunday so take a look at that.
#archeaology #standingstonesunday
New to mastadon. #art #archeaology #twitter #music #cosmos
#art #archeaology #twitter #music #cosmos
Here are my interests
#green #planet #animals #wildlife #archeaology #history #viking #witch #prepping #vegetables #plants #gardening #mead #herbalism #foraging #mythology #norse #forest #pagan
#scotland #celtic #brochs #archeaology #history one of the two Camster #brochs and Mousa broch ,brochs they were uniquely Scottish structure which
https://www.thebrochproject.co.uk/ is hoping to preserve and recreate
#scotland #celtic #brochs #archeaology #history
#archeaology #Wydah #pirates
Six Skeletons Found in Wreck of 18th-Century Pirate Ship Sunk Off Cape Cod
Model of Whydah pirate ship (jjsala via Wikimedia Commons under CC BY 2.0)
#archeaology #Wydah #pirates #shipwreck