“In red pencil on the unfinished wooden door had been written ‘Rikard Goldberger, Engineer.’ In case the postman came with a letter from Vienna.” —Kin by Miljenko Jergović #books #literature #LiteratureInTranslation #ArchipelagoBooks
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Nat says: enjoyng reading a recent book published by #archipelagobooks -- #Galacian author #ManuelRivas "The Last Days of Terranova." The Terranova is a #bookstore & the book is filled with literary references I don't get (Galacian, Spanish) but it's fun keeping my computer open to research names & titles.
#archipelagobooks #galacian #manuelrivas #bookstore
I've written about Jacques Poulin's AUTUMN ROUNDS on my blog - a charming, quiet, beautiful novel on books, travel and finding love late in life. Translated from the French by Sheila Fischman.
Here's the link to my review:
#ArchipelagoBooks #JacquesPoulin #AutumnRounds #frenchliterature #bookreview #bookstadon #books
#archipelagobooks #jacquespoulin #autumnrounds #FrenchLiterature #bookreview #BookStadon #Books
New arrivals today from the Archipelago Books sale.
#archipelagobooks #newbooks #BookMail #BookStadon
The #books that made it with me on the plane to #Spain. #ArchipelagoBooks are just so perfectly sized and always reliably excellent.
#Travel #reading #TabucchiBaby #DontWorryThereAreMoreComing #IGetWorried #AmReading
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