I'm so happy that I was able to make more great memories at #CphDevFest this week.
Here are the slides for my talk “Architecture Modernization: Aligning Software, Strategy, and Structure” - https://drive.google.com/file/d/1UmcdsolEuW3zMmy-Ly9EQe-wUT1B0rLF/view
Thanks to everyone who came, and thanks to the organizers. NDC conferences are always brilliant.
#architectureModernization #softwareArchitecture #domainDrivenDesign #teamTopologies
#cphdevfest #architecturemodernization #softwarearchitecture #domaindrivendesign #teamtopologies
Quick update on my book:
4 out of 17 chapters have passed through copy editing. Target is for all 17 to be completed this month.
AFAIK, we are still on schedule for physical copies to be available this year, possibly 31st October.
Thanks for all of your support. This is a tiring process and every bit of help gives me a tiny extra bit of motivation.
#softwareArchitecture #architectureModernization #domainDrivenDesign #teamTopologies #businessArchitecture
#softwarearchitecture #architecturemodernization #domaindrivendesign #teamtopologies #businessarchitecture