A BIT OF A COMPLEX SITUATION {2014, Elske Rosenfeld; Germany}
#Film #ShortFilm #FemaleFilmmakers #SplitScreen #FoundFootage #ArchivalFootage #FilmDiary0923
#film #shortfilm #femalefilmmakers #splitscreen #foundfootage #archivalfootage #filmdiary0923
Song of the Day February 1 2023
In memory of the birth of Lisa Marie Presley
Elvis Presley and Lisa Marie Presley - "I Love You Because"
#SongOfTheDay #SOTD #SOTD2023 #LisaMariePresley #ElvisPresley #ILoveYouBecause #Duet #MusicVideo #ArchivalFootage #RIP
#songoftheday #sotd #sotd2023 #lisamariepresley #elvispresley #iloveyoubecause #duet #musicvideo #archivalfootage #rip Love this archival footage (channel 9) from Indooroopilly in Brisbane of a police car chase from the 1970s. The crim has one hand out the window with his gun but with his other hand uses the indicator to show he’s turning. 😂👏🏼😆 🔫 🚙 #carchase #Video #Archivalfootage #policing #Crime #Australia
#carchase #video #archivalfootage #policing #crime #australia
Film of the day: LES ANNÉES SUPER 8 (THE SUPER 8 YEARS, dir David Ernaux-Briot, 2022) Scenes from a marriage: forgotten home movies become a touching, oblique window into what makes a family and what makes a writer. #film #literature #Nobel #filmposterart #homemovies #super8 #archivalfootage
#film #literature #nobel #filmposterart #homemovies #super8 #archivalfootage
Brain bursting with all the great work, big ideas, disciplined effort on display at the Assoc of Moving Image Archivists conference. These are the people making sure we’re going to remember the good stuff, 5, 15, 50 yrs from now. #ArchivalFootage #archivists #Documentary #filmmaking #librarians
#archivalfootage #archivists #documentary #filmmaking #librarians
#Imágenes #Nature #ExtinctAnimals #Australia #TasmanianTiger #TasmanianDevil #ArchivalFootage #Naturaleza #Fauna #AnimalesExtintos #DemonioDeTasmania
Colourised archival footage of Benjamin, the last known Thylacine (Tasmanian Tiger), shot by David Fleay in 1933 and colourised by Samuel François-Steininger.
Imágenes de archivo de Benjamin, el último tilacino (lobo/demonio de Tasmania) conocido, filmadas por David Fleay en 1933 y coloreadas por Samuel François-Steininger.
#imagenes #nature #extinctanimals #australia #tasmaniantiger #tasmaniandevil #archivalfootage #naturaleza #fauna #animalesextintos #demoniodetasmania