Until #Australia grows an internet backbone and has an #InternetArchive of our own, please donate to the #archiveDotOrg, if you can.
#australia #internetarchive #archivedotorg
Oh nice. One of my formative texts is available to be borrowed from #ArchiveDotOrg https://archive.org/details/semiotextesf0000unse/mode/2up (or for download from libgen ⛵oops I 🏴☠️, yoho). I should probably reread that for a laugh sometime.
I wonder if the screen reading experience allows the flipbook animated robot cock in the bottom left corner to work as well as the paper edition
#archivedotorg #scifi #rudyrucker #semiotexte
Is there some trick to getting past the Captcha on Archive.org on iPhone? I cannot convince it I am not a robot. #Archive #ArchiveDotOrg
Nifty trick I use to access Yahoo answers Japan in the UK: If a website is blocked in your country, go to the Wayback Machine and save it to the archive. If you then click the archived link the page should load.
This has saved my bacon a few times.
#WaybackMachine #YahooJapan #LearningJapanese #archivedotorg #Japanese
#waybackmachine #yahoojapan #learningjapanese #archivedotorg #japanese
Is there a reliable Russian #internetArchive site that we can use if archive.org is ever taken down?
#internetarchive #archivedotorg
It’s Public Domain Day 2023 and lots of interesting works from 1927 are entering the public domain. Newly PD films I’d recommend are Metropolis (Fritz Lang), Wings (William A. Wellman) and Sunrise (F.W. Murnau). Archive.org is a good place to find them, e.g. https://archive.org/details/metropolis.1927.fritz-lang
#PDD #PublicDomain #PublicDomainDay #PublicDomainDay2023 #archivedotorg #HappyNewYear
#HappyNewYear #archivedotorg #publicdomainday2023 #publicdomainday #PublicDomain #pdd
I facilitated 3 Creative Writing Workshops for this year's International Day of Persons with #Disabilities with #WordLesta and since I did a lot of research using #theinternetarchive #archivedotorg and because of issues of importance to all, I shared slides and lesson plans. https://archive.org/details/disability-workshops-teagan-buckley-session-2-copy
#disabilities #theinternetarchive #archivedotorg #WordLesta
@flyingsquirrel Oh, hey, I didn't have the side series or the movies; thanks for sharing!
#logh #anime #ginei #archivedotorg #archive
The archive.org is a very important institute and it plays a very important role in archiving things on the chaotic internet that we know. They are essentially advocating for the free and open access of information.
They have launched a campaign to collect donations to fund their operation. I have donated in accordance to my budget, and so should you (if you can afford it, that is).
Ich habe #archivedotorg für mich entdeckt. Falls Ihr freie, englichssprachige Hörspiele aus den 1930 - 60er Jahren mögt, ist das eine echte Fundgrube. Was es dort sonst noch alles gibt, muß ich erst noch entdecken. Ich freue mich wie ein Kind auf Weihnachten 🤩
Does anyone have experience de-duplicating responses in a WARC file?
I've been doing some archiving of a few personal sites that have sentimental value to my family.
#internetarchive #waybackmachine #archivedotorg
Wow. #archivedotorg hosts very old computer #games. I just played a bit of Planetfall - 1983! It's like an ancient #twine game. :)
#archivedotorg #games #twine #videogames #archive
@dsfgs @strypey So when you refer to fixing “THE underlying problem”, I must say that #Cloudflare’s problems are by no means singular. Cloudflare is a manifestation of a high number of serious problems, whereas #ArchiveDotOrg has the singular signficant problem of being centralized (just as CF is centralized).
@strypey @dsfgs To replace a #Cloudflare link w/an #ArchiveDotOrg link is to replace a quite evil centralized exclusive #walledGarden w/a non-evil centralized open garden. It’s a huge improvement by leaps & bounds. To be clear what I mean by CF evil, I have these Cliff’s Notes in mind → https://git.disroot.org/cyberMonk/liberethos_paradigm/src/branch/master/rap_sheets/cloudflare.md
#cloudflare #archivedotorg #walledgarden
How long has #SoundCloud been going through #Amazon Cloudfront?
We're quite certain that we checked it a year or so ago and it was not doing this — we would hate to have to boycott SoundCloud too but it seems we have no option.
Does #archiveDotOrg, or some other service, scrape soundcloud on request?
#soundcloud #amazon #archivedotorg #peertube #sound #music #peertubeDev #Cloudfront #deleteamazon
Questions for the archivists among us.
I have here two drawers full of old PC games (early 2000 era). I see that #archivedotorg 's PC games section is mostly demo's and freeware.
What is the appropriate approach here to ensure all these precious bits aren't lost to future generations?
2/2 @samuraikid
This is not a hard and fast rule though. You have shared it and we tend to like what you say and respect you. We'll go use web.archive.org/<URL> later (rushed atm).
We always forget about ol' #archiveDotOrg.
@sourcex @Hitler@neckbeard.xyz @bohofromthegetgo @Yoda_Jedi_Master @YodaJediMaster @Hitler@explosion.party @ithinkiam @thegrandmaster @Bumpkin@noagendasocial.com @QSourceX@noagendasocial.com @BrightStar @FreeThePlanet @QSourceX @theangel @WeFreeThePlanet @Agrandmaster
If #Wikipedia don't like the #politics of the author of the artwork they will censor them.
No matter how good your #artwork is, they will censor you.
We discovered this when we tried to gain approval to use #WikimediaCommons over #Tor. They shifted goalposts on us several times, as seen in the above #archiveDotOrg link.
Their latest #goalpostShift:
"[DSFGS] uploaded these files:
• [5 files listed]
Own work is not sure." #Taivo 9:41, 15 March 2021 (UTC)
Nice excuse.
#wikipedia #politics #artwork #wikimediacommons #tor #archivedotorg #goalpostShift #Taivo #cc0 #Minorax #ownwork
What clearnet is to the internet.
Tor and I2P is the real interent, the clearnet is contrived hallucinations that pass for acceptable content.
Today on #ABCNews #Australia, not a peep on their landing page about #JulianAssange's arbitrary detention. We would #archiveDotOrg it, but busy atm.
#abcnews #australia #julianassange #archivedotorg
@rose_myrtle Drats we thought we listed them. The resources are out there and seemed quite plentiful at the time.
Just search SafeBrowsing or "Google SafeBrowsing" hopefully they are all still available.
If not, try #ArchiveDotOrg