I thought I should get in on #ArchivesUnderTheSea, so I am directing everyone to a recent article that we ran @commonplacejrl written by James Lilley. It looks at Edgar Allan Poe and his work as a pioneering mollusk scientist: http://commonplace.online/article/edgar-allan-poe-pioneering-mollusk-scientist/
While Armstrong and Aldrin were landing on the Moon in July 1969, a 30-day NASA mission in the Atlantic was also underway! 6 aquanauts drifted along the gulf stream on the Ben Franklin submersible ⚓ #ArchivesUnderTheSea #ArchivesHashtagParty
Learn more: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=SfOQyx316mM
#archivesunderthesea #archiveshashtagparty #NASAhistory