@upright As @textfiles or one of his team said "Such services are a ticking timebomb." and is just a stats gathering exercise for nosey people. Join #archiveteam (https://wiki.archiveteam.org/index.php/URLTeam) and help out
helping ArchiveTeam to archive subreddits 😄
You can be a part of Reddit links mirror: https://group.lt/post/86799 #ArchiveTeam #reddit
If you are looking to help ArchiveTeam retrieve things from Reddit before the deadline, the GitHub page has instructions:
#reddit #archiveteam #docker #virtualbox #python #lemmy #qt
#ArchiveTeam still has the #Imgur backup project up and running, even though they supposedly started purging images 3 days ago.
If you want to help archive sites that are dying or about to delete portions of itself, you can download ArchiveTeam Warrior here: https://wiki.archiveteam.org/index.php/ArchiveTeam_Warrior
Effective May 15, #Imgur is deleting all NSFW, old, unused, and inactive images. There is an concerted effort by #ArchiveTeam to archive all this content so it isn't lost forever.
If you want to help them archive Imgur or any other sites that they are working on, you can download ArchiveTeam Warrior and run it on your machine.
Instructions are here: https://wiki.archiveteam.org/index.php/ArchiveTeam_Warrior
@garry this attempt is now in progress. Anyone can help and join the Archive warriors team https://wiki.archiveteam.org/index.php/ArchiveTeam_Warrior
#dpreview #archiveteam
In response to Amazon’s shuttering of the bedrock digital photography community, developers are taking steps to protect the crowdsourced data and revive the community on brand new websites like DPRevied.
#InternetArchive #Archiving #DPReview #DPRevived #amazon #ArchiveTeam #worldnews
#internetarchive #archiving #dpreview #dprevived #Amazon #archiveteam #worldnews
The coming death of #DPReview makes me sad.
#ArchiveTeam is working to archive the site, but the availability of that corpus of knowledge to the masses will inevitably suffer.
And certainly that knowledge is more towards older cameras and related gear, but that is still significant. Just look at the renaissance in #filmphotography this past decade.
And we're centralizing on the #internetarchive as a result. Inevitable, but we all have to hope it can persist.
#dpreview #archiveteam #filmphotography #internetarchive #photography
Gutted to hear that DPReview is not only shutting down but all of it's archival content will be wiped off the face of the earth. Hope #ArchiveTeam is in the case. https://petapixel.com/2023/03/21/dpreview-is-shutting-down/
I wonder if #ArchiveTeam will federate on to Matrix?
#HackInt seems to support it but only on a channel by channel basis.
I also found some old WARCs that I took of www.cyberpunkreview.com back in 2014. I think the style back then is much more #CyberPunk than what they're doing now :P Black and green with some off-white text is the way to go :D
[ sidenote: "what they're doing now," sadly, looks a bit SEO-spammy. And some of their old content doesn't look like it has all of the images and guest/user comments and such :( But these archives do >:) ]
I'm probably shooting in the dark, but I *did* upload the WARC files to the #InternetArchive here:
IIRC, The #WayBackMachine can ingest WARC files, but admins have to do that. And I dunno what the overall policy is on ingesting scrapes/mirrors from random users. I mean, I *did* volunteer with #ArchiveTeam for a year or two -- which is probably what incentivized me to take these WARCs in the first place -- but that was ages ago.
The website seems to have a decent amount of scrape activity in the wayback machine already, but... maybe these two WARCs can serve as a more thorough/complete snapshot of the time period?
Pinging @textfiles@mastodon.archive.org @textfiles@digipres.club for good luck :P
#cyberpunk #internetarchive #waybackmachine #archiveteam
From 2020:
"Between the #ArchiveTeam volunteers and the Yahoo Groups Fandom Rescue Project, we saved 960,233 unique groups through Yahoo's GetMyData method (not counting what was saved through the Python script and PGOffline). Wow! And hopefully some more is yet to come as there are a few people who have promised to send us their GMDs but haven't yet."
In 2019, #verizon shut down #YahooGroups. While the #ArchiveTeam focused on saving as many groups across the board, #transformative #fandom took on the task of saving our communities.
A new Yahoo Groups #Dreamwidth community has been started where you can keep up with the progress of the Yahoo Gedden Rescue Team as they process and add metadata to the (gulp) million they groups saved
#verizon #yahoogroups #archiveteam #transformative #fandom #dreamwidth
Re-#introduction: recurring topics here.
#Wikimedia #Wikidata #Wikipedia #MediaWiki #OpenStreetMap #Wikimania #Wikisource #WikiCite #OpenRefine #wiki #Wiktionary #WikiLovesMonuments #Wikibase #Wikiquote
#i18n #L10n #translatewiki.net #Unicode #CLDR #languages
#Copyright #PublicDomain #PubblicoDominio #Copyleft #CreativeCommons #OpenData #UploadFilters #LicenzaLibera #DatiAperti
#InternetArchive #books #biblioteche #library #Koha #KohaILS #GLAM
#WikiTeam #digipres #ArchiveTeam #XSLT
#wikiquote #introduction #wikimedia #wikidata #wikipedia #mediawiki #openstreetmap #wikimania #wikisource #wikicite #openrefine #wiki #wiktionary #wikilovesmonuments #wikibase #i18n #l10n #translatewiki #unicode #cldr #languages #copyright #publicdomain #pubblicodominio #copyleft #creativecommons #opendata #uploadfilters #licenzalibera #datiaperti #internetarchive #books #biblioteche #library #koha #kohails #glam #WikiTeam #archiveteam #xslt #digipres
The Atom code editor is in the MIDDLE of being "sunsetted" by Microsoft, in favor of their own MS Studio Code.
Atom is an amazing text and code editor that has been in development for over 11 years by the team behind GitHub.
It might be a good idea to search for and put as many of its extensions onto the WayBack Machine before decades of work disappear!
Atom's package manager is already down.
#ArchiveTeam #DigitalPreservation #GitHub #WaybackMachine #ArchiveOrg #InternetArchive #AtomEditor
#archiveteam #digitalpreservation #github #waybackmachine #archiveorg #internetarchive #atomeditor
@georgetakei Having been through and watched a number of social media shutdowns and/or failures, one frequent (though not universal) theme is the platform fights its users.
In the case of Google+ and several other shutdowns, efforts to archive content by both individual members and organised groups such as #ArchiveTeam (/me waves at @textfiles) had archival efforts blocked or otherwise frustrated.
BizzLightfear here apparently sees peoples' expressing Exit (in the Exit, Voice, Loyalty) dynamic as a thread, much as the authoritarian heads of Communist states in the 20th century did.
Pity that.
As a practical action: Once the decline of a platform has become clear, your best course of action is to make your exit immediately, to an extant and viable alternative, and to limit any ongoing posting to informing others where you've gone.
You should also sort out how you want to dispose of your content, whether that means archival or deletion. #InterenetArchive can help you with the archival bit, see:
"How to archive your Tweets with the Wayback Machine"
#archiveteam #interenetarchive
Continued Community Migration tips:
The #InternetArchive, and the independent though closely-working #ArchiveTeam are a blessing if you want your content permanently archived online. (And if you don't, they'll disable public access on request, easily, email info@archive.org) This can be self-service or through an Archive Team Project, see: https://wiki.archiveteam.org/
To save any one page at the Wayback Machine, use a URL of the form https://web.archive.org/save/<ORIGINAL_URL>
. This can be scripted or automated if you have a list of URLs, say, from a downloaded archive. I've saved many thousands of my own pages across multiple sites this way.
There's also #ArchiveToday, which is not a charity, is pretty opaque about operations, operators, financing, and goals, but does do a good job of capturing today's Web as it exists (IA can have ... issues with this). There is also no automated bulk-save option. You can streamline the process by generating sets of URLs to save, and clicking through those one-by-one. Depending on what you're trying to save and how motivated you are, this is also an option (and yes, I've also saved a few thousand of my own pages this way).
Keep in mind that archive sites may not be as accessible or functional as the original. For example, Google+ URLs archived at the Internet Archive carry only a subset of comments, and profile pages don't allow the listed posts to be opened.
For example, this G+ post shows only 6 of 82 comments:
And my G+ profile page shows posts but those cannot be opened through the Wayback Machine. Heck, you can't even determine the URLs to request archived copies:
What's most useful is if you can indicate on a profile / landing page where you've gone off to and people might be able to, with luck, track you down there. My G+ profile page above does so.
#TwitterExodus #Plexodus #CommunityMigration #CommunityContinuity #SwitchingPlatforms #WaybackMachine
#internetarchive #archiveteam #ArchiveToday #twitterexodus #plexodus #communitymigration #communitycontinuity #switchingplatforms #waybackmachine
From 2020:
"Between the #ArchiveTeam volunteers and the Yahoo Groups Fandom Rescue Project, we saved 960,233 unique groups through Yahoo's GetMyData method (not counting what was saved through the Python script and PGOffline). Wow! And hopefully some more is yet to come as there are a few people who have promised to send us their GMDs but haven't yet."
In 2019, #verizon shut down #YahooGroups. While the #ArchiveTeam focused on saving as many groups across the board, #transformative #fandom took on the task of saving our communities.
A new Yahoo Groups #Dreamwidth community has been started where you can keep up with the progress of the Yahoo Gedden Rescue Team as they process and add metadata to the (gulp) million they groups saved
#verizon #yahoogroups #archiveteam #transformative #fandom #dreamwidth