"Hidden Barriers: The Experience of Academic Librarians and Archivists with Invisible Illnesses and/or Disabilities"
Interesting article in this month's issue of College & Research Libraries: https://crl.acrl.org/index.php/crl/article/view/26024/33938
#Disability #HiddenDisability #HiddenIllness #InvisibleIllness #invisibledisability #librarians #Diversity #archivists
#disability #hiddendisability #hiddenillness #invisibleillness #invisibledisability #librarians #diversity #archivists
Another great reason to support Video Game Preservation :-)
archivist job vacancy going at LSE Library (London School of Economics and Political Sciences) https://jobs.lse.ac.uk/Vacancies/W/7346/0/401437/15539/archivist
#archivists #archives #jobs #london #libraries
My first several jobs in #archives were term positions, and that really sucked.
Excited to read though “Best Practices for Archival Term Positions,” which was just endorsed by the Society of American #Archivists
“At the foundation of this document is the recognition that temporary #labor is detrimental to employees, as well as to #sustainable and holistic #collection stewardship.”
#archives #archivists #labor #sustainable #collection #specialcollections #libraries #memoryworkers #solidarity
Question for #librarians and #archivists: what’s the best way to ensure that a paperback book, printed today, is still readable 100 years from now? Physically, digitally, existentially—?
"...the Great 78 Project, a community effort for the preservation, research and discovery of 78 rpm #records that are 70 to 120 years old...
Through the efforts of dedicated #librarians, #archivists and sound engineers, we have preserved hundreds of thousands of recordings that are stored on shellac resin, an obsolete and brittle medium. The resulting preserved recordings retain the scratch and pop sounds that are present in the analog artifacts; noise that modern remastering techniques remove...
These preservation recordings are used in #teaching and $research...
“When people want to listen to music they go to Spotify. When people want to study sound recordings as they were originally created, they go to libraries like the Internet Archive. Both are needed. There shouldn’t be conflict here.”
#records #librarians #archivists #teaching #internetarchive #great78project
Question for #archivists, #librarians, #historians, #glam, #culturalHeritage professionals, #oralHistorians and related history/memory-oriented folks out here in the fedi:
Do you use the term “memory worker”? If so, what does this mean to you?
I’ve been using it (and hearing it) as a useful generalized term to include all folks who work in history/memory fields
Really curious if it’s widely used and if so, with which groups, and if there are any meanings I might be missing
Thanks! 💜💜💜💜
#archivists #librarians #historians #glam #culturalheritage #oralhistorians
MRes History of Africa and the African Diaspora - An Open Letter of Solidarity from Academics, Heritage and Information Professionals https://docs.google.com/forms/d/e/1FAIpQLSflVal7xy_Cx2JQUUFoMMQNqgR2GodIdtlgNHGChBiGMZzQrg/viewform?fbzx=-7787342548573002355
#archives #glam #archivists #curator #histodon
For anyone interested in knowing more about the fantastic new #book “Trans and Gender Diverse Voices in LIS”
the table of contents AND some *OPEN ACCESS* chapters are available:
#book #trans #libraries #librarians #archives #archivists
When people say that things live on the internet forever, the digital preservationists have always told us that's not true. The important stuff is hard to keep. People just like to keep the embarrassing stuff around (Lots Of Copies Keeps Stuff Safe).
#DigitalPreservation #DigitalArchives #DigitalCollections #Archivists #BLM #BlackLivesMatter #LOCKSS
#lockss #blacklivesmatter #blm #archivists #digitalcollections #digitalarchives #digitalpreservation
#Photo #archivists: If there ever existed a moment that could serve as a remarkable turning point, urging you to embark on the long-awaited task of #digitizing your decades-worth of photos, it’s this compelling analogy between #icecream and #photographs
🔗 https://ow.ly/8KNQ50P9rW9
#photo #archivists #digitizing #icecream #photographs
This is a very thoughtful post from the Radical History working group on their experiences of entering the archive: https://archive-stories.com/Decolonising-LSE
"Archive Stories is a website about how to work with creative and non-traditional archives. We wanted to create a space for conversations about archiving beyond institutional archives..."
#archives #archive #archivist #archivists #history #histodons #decolonising
#archives #archive #archivist #archivists #history #histodons #decolonising
Yo! #archival #education friends, who’s coming to Baton Rouge for #aeri2023 this week?
#archives #archivists #libraries #librarians
#archival #education #aeri2023 #archives #archivists #libraries #librarians #archivaleducation
#NARA: Dr. Colleen Shogan Assumes Office as 11th Archivist of the United States https://www.infodocket.com/2023/05/17/nara-dr-colleen-shogan-assumes-office-as-11th-archivist-of-the-united-states/ #archivists #archives
please boost! ! The Queer Metadata Collective is looking for feedback from #catalogers #metadata workers #critcat #critlib #archivists #dh #histsex folks on questions or dillemmas they have encountered while describing individuals/communities/items
Some hypotheticals from working groups:
* Some classification systems separate books about gay, lesbian, bisexual (etc) groups into different areas of the library. Should local practices override that in order to group them together?
#catalogers #metadata #critcat #critlib #archivists #dh #HistSex
For Rare Book Librarians, It’s Gloves Off. Seriously.
When handling rare books, experts say that bare, just-cleaned hands are best. Why won’t the public believe them?
#Archives #Archivists #RareBooks #BareHands #GlovesOff #Librarians #LibraryScience #CleanHands
#cleanhands #libraryscience #librarians #glovesoff #barehands #rarebooks #archivists #archives
pretending to be a proper archivist by cataloguing my first collection, and stumbled on a juicy piece of live mould
Society of American #Archivists (SAA) Receives Mellon Foundation Grant to Support Pilot Program for Indigenizing Archival Practices https://www.infodocket.com/2023/02/17/society-of-american-archivists-saa-receives-mellon-foundationgrant-to-support-pilot-program-for-indigenizing-archival-practices/ #archives
Do you love #podcasts? Are you curious what my voice sounds like from within a mattress fort (yes, really!)? Well, what a lucky day!
🔔🔔I am super excited to say that the first episode of “What is Solidarity History?” is now live!
From @SolidarityHistory, this project is an attempt to learn from #journalists, #oralHistorians, #communityHistorians, and #archivists, and to develop a definition of solidarity history grounded in experience and practice. 🔔🔔
(👇Links in next toot)
#podcasts #journalists #oralhistorians #communityhistorians #archivists