@Willow #Arch is, IMO, just wonderful. Many use #Manjaro as a substitute, or [as i did for 3 yrs ending 3.5 yrs ago] as training-wheels before Arch. Fwiw, if you choose an #Archie over actual #Arch, then rather than MJ, you might wish to consider alternative #Archies such as #EndeavourOS, #ArcoLinux, #ALG, #ArchLabs, #Anarchy, #ArchCraft, #XeroLinux, #Archfi, #CalamArch, #ZenInstaller etc.
Best wishes... for *both* your important projects 😉
#archie #arch #manjaro #archies #endeavouros #arcolinux #alg #archlabs #anarchy #ArchCraft #XeroLinux #archfi #calamarch #zeninstaller
Bummed to wake up and hear that #archlabs linux is ending. Not a distro I used, but could appreciate for their #bunsenlabs take on a simple install and no bloat.
@brudibrau My tower's #Arch came into existence in early Dec 2019, not installed #TheArchWay but via #archfi, which gave simply fabulously granular control options, whilst being more friendly than trying to follow the Arch Installation Wiki with its never ending chain of hyperlinks leading to links to links to links. It's been & remains superb for me. That said, i've not checked for a while if the project remains active, ie, for the installer script to have kept up with various Arch changes, & also tech developments like #LVM & #BtrFS etc. Well worth consideration.
For 3 years before that, i ran #Manjaro. Whilst i don't regret that experience [& learned a lot from it], i'd never go back to it [governance ethics, security, repo philosophy, dubious mods to kernels et al]. Nonetheless, MJ ofc has a loyal following, beautiful theming, an easy to use Calamares Installer, & pretty impressive hardware flexibility.
#EndeavourOS is another high-profile #Archie with GUI installer [Calamares again]. Though it also provides certain customisations, overall it produces a system much closer to pure Arch than MJ does.
Other #Archies that also spare you from needing to do the full #TAW manual installation, & which IMO are worthy of consideration too, include #ALG [ArchLinux GUI Installer], #Archcraft, #CalamArchInstaller, #ArchLabs, #ZenInstaller, #Anarchy, #ArcoLinux.
If you're interested in something a bit more radical, #blendOS is essentially a GUI-installed "immutable Arch" that also supports #Fedora & #Ubuntu packages. I'm playing with it, part-time, in one of my VMs, to decide what i think of it.
Oh, it'd be remiss of me not to mention #ArchInstall to you. This is a newish official Arch project for a guided-installer direct from the Arch ISO. It works decently for relatively simple partitioning schemes, but has been giving me a PITA since at least last October for my preferred schema -- if you search Masto for that hashtag you'll find my various posts about it.
#arch #thearchway #archfi #lvm #btrfs #manjaro #endeavouros #archie #archies #TAW #alg #ArchCraft #calamarchinstaller #archlabs #zeninstaller #anarchy #arcolinux #blendos #fedora #ubuntu #Archinstall
I have to say that the more I use #DKwm, the better I like it. 😉
FWIW I have incorporated a good deal of automation (via #sxhkd and #wmctrl) in my personal install. I'll publish a tutorial of what I have done on my site ( https://eirenicon.org ) and share it on both #ArchLabs and on #LiliDog.
#windowmanager #Debian #Technology #Linux #lilidog #archlabs #dkwm #wmctrl #sxhkd
After a new #archlabs install when looking for neofetch in the repos, I found hyfetch.
This fork has some nice display features, like a setup dialog to improve the colour scheme to fit to your terminal scheme and to choose the pride flag that you want.
#ArchLabs new release announcement. This is a nicely built small footprint distro. Enjoy.
#ActuLibre En vrac’ de milieu de semaine…, à lire sur https://blog.fredericbezies-ep.fr/2022/01/19/en-vrac-de-milieu-de-semaine-49/ #financementparticipatif #Bandcampetcompagnie #Vrac'attitudes! #systemrescuecd #logiciellibre #Informatique #Trucsdegeek #RomeoBonvin #geekeries #Libreries #linuxmint #ArchLabs #bandcamp #Culture #Musique #Alwaid #Deepin #libre #vrac
#actulibre #financementparticipatif #bandcampetcompagnie #vrac #systemrescuecd #logiciellibre #informatique #trucsdegeek #romeobonvin #geekeries #libreries #linuxmint #archlabs #bandcamp #culture #musique #alwaid #deepin #libre
So already two weeks with my new #archlabs install at work. Also my first real experience with archwiki I must say I am really really pleased. Performance is like to be expected, no hiccups or crashes so far.
One time my lock screen didnt accept my pw after trying a dozen times, but I think that was a bug having to do with my bluetooth keyboards + barrier config.
All in all really looking forward to using archlabs more. #arch #openbox #linux
#archlabs #arch #linux #openbox
So ill give up my #openbsd journey today, I want to replace it with probably some kind of #KDE or #openbox distro. Looking at #archlabs or something like that.
Performance in #openbsd was kinda disappointing, for intensive browsing and some multimedia usage. Firefox just crashed two times again. Also snappyness is not to where I expect it to be.
Apart from that it was an interesting testrun and I can see it being used for fire and forget installations on "older" hardware.
#openbsd #kde #openbox #archlabs
Today on #DistroWars, we will look at #ArchLabs and #EndeavourOS.
2:00p EST
#DistroWars #endeavouros #archlabs
I found out about #ArchLabs one week ago or so and I have to say ArchLabs with i3 is my jam.
I was a proud user of #! (CrunchBang) distro until the project ended back in 2015. The fact that it was so clean and simple was very appealing to me, used Openbox wm and i like it very much.
Then the project ended and changed hands, now is named Bunsenlabs, still in development and it's nice if you want a distro based on Debian.
But imo betten than all that is Archlabs, based on Bunsenlabs, Arch based, it's easy to install and has i3 as an option for WM.
#crunchbang #bunsenlabs #archlabs
@galacticstone Haha ok, fair enough. Then I even might be faster then you. Running it from USB right now and already could do the install during weekend. Only downer is that I prefer more recent packages and kernel. And I have plenty of deb packages and never used Arch, hence #archlabs is hard to think about.
#Void keeps it simple and rolling
#Alpine is super lean and mean
#ArchLabs is arch made easy, is much lighter than Manjaro, and has a nice clean look
#Fedora sticks to free software and features a beautiful default GNOME desktop
#KDEneon because KDE is so tweakable, yet also absolutely stunning with the defaults.
That said, I run Alpine, Ubuntu, and Void on my computers.
#void #alpine #archlabs #fedora #kdeneon
Today we will look at two more Arch Installers: #Archlabs and #EndeavourOS. Which will win in #DistroWars?
#endeavouros #DistroWars #archlabs
Today on #DistroWars we will look at two more arch installers: #Archlabs and #Manjaro Architect.
#archlabs #manjaro #DistroWars
Today on #DistroWars we will look at #Archlabs vs #Arcolinux and see which is the better Arch Installer.
#arcolinux #DistroWars #archlabs
> Totally agree with you! Another interesting fact is that i3 gain some ground and is the No1 choice behind the "Big 3"
Yeah, that also struck me, especially given that I'd guess some #i3 fans would go with #regolith or #archlabs.
But I'm glad to see i3 doing well—it's a good project. Probably my 4th or 5th favorite tiling window manager for linux.
(And even typing that makes me think—once again!—how much I love our community and the diversity of software it offers)
> Totally agree with you! Another interesting fact is that i3 gain some ground and is the No1 choice behind the "Big 3"
Yeah, that also struck me, especially given that I'd guess some #i3 fans would go with #regolith or #archlabs.
But I'm glad to see i3 doing well—it's a good project. Probably my 4th or 5th favorite tiling window manager for linux.
(And even typing that makes me think—once again!—how much I love our community and the diversity of software it offers)