a pox, how delightful, a pox · @poxeclipse
82 followers · 303 posts · Server mastodon.lol

@sirber running . I'm still learning about it.

#pinephonepro #archphosh

Last updated 2 years ago

a pox, how delightful, a pox · @poxeclipse
47 followers · 140 posts · Server mastodon.lol

@frox @pavot
I left my on, in suspend for ~2 days and it ran down to 0%. running . I didn't see when that happened so i don't know how many hours it really took. but it's at 25% now after charging on a 2A line for half an hour

#ppp #archphosh

Last updated 2 years ago

a pox, how delightful, a pox · @poxeclipse
47 followers · 140 posts · Server mastodon.lol

@frox @pavot My suspend is working fine now. It was only about 1 week that it wouldn't wake up without a reboot. What keeps me from using the as my only phone is the echo on the other end of the line. I also have a real hard time with . I tried switching to but I was unfamiliar and didn't learn much.
-Running with

#pinephonepro #pulseaudio #pipewire #archphosh #DanctNIX

Last updated 2 years ago