... Continued
#XeroLinux is based on #Arch meaning you will need to have the ability to do the research and read the #ArchWiki to solve your issues on your own. Hence our motto "Where learning is the Norm and Self-Reliance is King". I am but a single individual doing all this. Support will be limited to custom configs by me. Hope that clears it up for you. #FOSS #Linux
#xerolinux #arch #archwiki #foss #linux
gawd, how i hate archwiki
trying again at installing arch - welp, and i once again felt on my skin that ppl behind manual *dont* know how to teach ppl.
i tried to verify signature - error, gnupg aint doin anything. i searched a bit, found several ways of solving it, but my problem got solve immediately after findijg out that if u download torrent file (which i did) U DONT HAVE TO VERIFY IT.
and i have a question: WHY IS IT NOT WRITTEN THERE!? why manual doesnt have written what to do after having problems??
and NO, having to find everything on your own is so fucking idiotic, that i think its a sabotage. its NOT how u teach ppl.
manual and wiki is fucking overwhelming for newbies, and i felt that real hard in april and may, when i tried installing arch for the first time.
edit: to avoid confusion, this problem is known since at least 2020 and was discussed on many forums, many times
#archwiki #rtfm #archlinux #linux #arch
Har bökat lite med grafikdrivrutiner för grafikkortet i min #UbuntuLinux-laptop. Och det funkar! Nu används AMDgpu-drivrutinen i stället för den äldre radeon-drivrutinen :)
Inte en stor ändring men nu slipper jag ett småstörigt felmeddelande. Och det är nog första gången jag varit så nära kerneln, så man har nog lärt sig en del. Om inte annat att #archwiki:n är en väldigt bra resurs!
@ablackcatstail All bow & curtsy before the fearsome almighty omnipotent #ArchWiki!
Also, i do hope you enjoyed the extremely nice way that i had basically told you to... #RTFM 😇
@MsDropbear @Willow i used to dual boot distro like Mandriva and Ubuntu, but outside the GUI i didn't know what to do. A great discovery was the dmesg command, thank you #archwiki
@mcc @gsuberland That reminds me of @fuchsiii which knows a thing from the #ArchWiki on how to force Redmondian #Govware to accept #Unixtime as System Clock yet display #LocalTime on the Desktop...
Maybe she got that link handy...
#localtime #unixtime #govware #archwiki
I have several old ONScripter-EN and KiriKiri visual novels that use MIDI files for sound. I thought I had resolved my difficulties on Linux, but I had an issue where sound would work running the games under WINE but not when running the native Linux versions of ONScripter-EN games (note the KiriKiri games have no Linux version). Back into the Arch Wiki I went... I eventually resolved the issue with a proper Fluidsynth configuration and loading three kernel modules. This is the long saga (note I did this on EndeavourOS, but the issues should be generally applicable for those of you interested in the issue on Linux).
(Note all of these steps are in the Arch Wiki. To the extent this is a "guide" -- consider it one only in that I highlight an issue and point people to where I found the solution.)
#visualnovels #visualnovel #midi #fluidsynth #arch #archwiki #linux #endeavouros
#endeavouros #linux #archwiki #arch #fluidsynth #midi #visualnovel #visualnovels
Wie oft man im #archwiki die Lösung findet und das unabhängig von der Distribution ist sehr beeindruckend!
shoutout to the #archlinux #archwiki contributors -- it's consistently some of the best linux documentation online. I love it. Thank you #oss
#Manjaro ist da widerborstig, bin auch schon öfter in das Problem gelaufen.
@martin hat Recht mit seiner Aussage.
Beachte zusätzlich folgenden Eintrag aus dem #ArchWiki:
Zusätzlich schadet sicher auch nicht ein Blick in die Maintenance-Sektion des Manjaro-CheatSheets:
That's awesome!
[#Readline - #ArchWiki](https://wiki.archlinux.org/title/Readline#Colorized_completion)
Sorry to hear that you had such a messy introduction to #linux . I guess you had an nvidia card. For the alsa, and others I'd suggest the #archwiki even though it's made for the #arch linux distro, has great general knowledge about a lot of linux programs as well. I hope you can fix all your issues, but if nothing works, you can try #popos or #linuxmint or even base #ubuntu , hell even base #fedora. There tons of great starter linux choices.
#linux #archwiki #arch #popos #linuxmint #ubuntu #fedora
Nach langer Zeit endlich mal nochmal in Ruhe versucht #wireguard für mich aufzusetzen: Der Laptop kommt jetzt über den VPS ins Heimnetzwerk. 💪
Nachdem mit verschiedenen Blogposts verzweifelt bin, weil die Weiterleitung nicht wollte, habe ich nochmal ordentlich die Anleitung auf #ArchWiki gelesen und dann gings.
Bin immer wieder begeistert von den Artikeln, obwohl viele Details erklärt werden sind sie doch immer überraschend übersichtlich und gut zu lesen. Großen Dank an die Community! 👏
Wrote another page for #ArchWiki:
Feedback appreciated!
Once a year my ext4 inside a homed (LUKS-container) got corrupted. Sadly #systemd-homed still doesnt provide a tool to fsck a filesystem inside.
Luckily #archwiki does have a guide for cases like this
@nerdosoph Schätze das schon genannte "Umfassende Handbuch" ist als Einstieg Ok .. wenn man den so eine Wälzer lesen möchte ..
"Verstehen" funktioniert denke ich nur durch intensive Nutzung
.. am besten einfach rein ins kalte Wasser 😉
.. für Detailfragen kann ich jedem die allseits beliebte #archwiki ans Herz legen
@mialikescoffee @betamax65 Ja .. Hat sich viel geändert .. gab auch keine #archwiki oder Ubutuwiki oder sonstige Wiki. Man musste sich alle Infos mühsam in irgendwelchen Foren oder so zusammen klauben, wenn was nicht lief .. Gerade wenn man selbst nicht "vom Fach" war. Aber waren auch interessante Zeiten :awesome:
@BuntBlock Ich kann Dir den wirklich ganz guten und umfangreichen Post-installation guide in der #archwiki ans Herz legen.