@TeslaDuBois A little late, but I was curious about this as well. In #ArcPro, if you add the Move Effect to your symbology (under Properties > Structure), it will activate the XY offset option for that symbol. The legend does look funny tho. 😂
I'm interested in peoples' feelings about doing cartography in ArcPro vs. QGIS or other alternatives. Not a professional cartographer but need to make figures for research publications. Is it worth taking the time to learn something new; are there better options or not substantially? #cartography #ArcPro
@patriciajhawkins QGIS is quite remarkable, and “relatively” easy to use. The analytics and some of the plugins are better than Arc. The only drawback is the range of symbols is relatively limited. #GIS #QGIS #ArcPro
In addition to trail maintenance … a big part of my #Volunteer efforts at #OxleyNatureCenter are to maintain their #GIS data for #Trails, #Wetlands, #Ecotones, buildings and inventory. I started the project on #ArcMap and #QGIS, but had to transition to #ArcPro. That transition has not been as smooth as hoped. Much of the annotation converted to graphics and are not editable. Does anyone have
experience in repairing this? I am at the point of just rebuilding annotation to move forward.
#volunteer #oxleynaturecenter #gis #trails #wetlands #ecotones #arcmap #qgis #arcpro
When you're working on a deadline and #ArcPro keeps crashing every time you try to change symbology: