Kotaku: Fatal Guilty Gear Strive Exploit Persists Seven Months Later https://kotaku.com/guilty-gear-strive-hackerman-fatal-r-code-exploit-1850751754 #gaming #tech #kotaku #videogamesdevelopedinjapan #guiltygearstrive #videogamesequels #streetfighter6 #arcsystemworks #windowsgames #kenmiyauchi #guiltygear #hackerman #francisco #kizziekay #joebiden #ferreira #sports #valore #johnny #claire #kelly #gg
#Gaming #Tech #kotaku #videogamesdevelopedinjapan #GuiltyGearStrive #videogamesequels #streetfighter6 #arcsystemworks #windowsgames #kenmiyauchi #guiltygear #hackerman #francisco #kizziekay #joebiden #ferreira #sports #valore #johnny #claire #kelly #gg
Granblue Fantasy: Versus ha raggiunto il milione di copie vendute
#arcsystemworks #cygames #granbluefantasyversus
Guilty Gear Strive, annunciato il personaggio DLC Johnny: in arrivo la Stagione 3
#arcsystemworks #evo2023 #GuiltyGearStrive
Granblue Fantasy Versus: Rising, annunciata la data di uscita: arriva a novembre
#ArcSystemWorks #Cygames #EVO2023 #GranblueFantasyVersusRising
#arcsystemworks #cygames #evo2023 #granbluefantasyversusrising
Under Night In-Birth II Sys:Celes annunciato per PC, PlayStation e Switch
#ArcSystemWorks #EVO2023 #FrenchBread #UnderNightInBirthIISysCeles
#arcsystemworks #evo2023 #frenchbread #undernightinbirthiisysceles
Guilty Gear Strive ha superato i 2 milioni e mezzo di giocatori
#arcsystemworks #GuiltyGearStrive
Am I allowed to pass? Huh, I guess not…
GBA FE inspired portrait of Hazama from BlazBlue. Made as a subscriber suggestion for July 2023.
#pixelart #fanart #ドット絵 #blazblue #arcsystemworks
Double Dragon Collection annunciato per Switch: Super Double Dragon e Double Dragon Advance arrivano su PC e console
#ArcSystemWorks #DoubleDragonAdvance #DoubleDragonCollection #SuperDoubleDragon
#arcsystemworks #doubledragonadvance #doubledragoncollection #superdoubledragon
El fuego de la batalla arde, DNF Duel: Who’s Next revela a Spectre, su primer descargable
#Noticias #ArcSystemWorks #DNFDuel #DNFDuelWhosNext #FightingGames #Neople
#noticias #arcsystemworks #dnfduel #dnfduelwhosnext #fightinggames #neople
Indiescovery Episode 14 - A Very Early Halloween Special - https://www.rockpapershotgun.com/indiescovery-episode-14-a-very-early-halloween-special #TheMissing:J.J.MacfieldandtheIslandofMemories #IndiescoveryPodcast #Birdview/Isometric #ActionAdventure #RedCandleGames #NintendoSwitch #MWMInteractive #ArcSystemWorks #DarkDeception #PointandClick #SinglePlayer #Indiescovery #LayersofFear #rose-engine #Firstperson #BlooberTeam #HumbleGames #Platformer #AspyrMedia #Simulacra #Detention #Signalis #RPG
#rpg #Signalis #Detention #simulacra #aspyrmedia #platformer #HumbleGames #blooberteam #firstperson #rose #layersoffear #Indiescovery #singleplayer #pointandclick #darkdeception #arcsystemworks #MWMInteractive #nintendoswitch #redcandlegames #ActionAdventure #birdview #indiescoverypodcast #TheMissing
Skullgirls makes improvements to hate group references, racial sensitivity and sexualization, predictably gets review-bombed on Steam - https://www.rockpapershotgun.com/skullgirls-makes-improvements-to-hate-group-references-racial-sensitivity-and-sexualization-predictably-gets-review-bombed-on-steam #MultiplayerCompetitive #HiddenVariableStudios #Skullgirls2ndEncore #SkyboundTabletop #RevergeLabs,LLC #NintendoSwitch #ArcSystemWorks #SinglePlayer #MarvelousAQL #LabZeroGames #RevergeLabs #Sideview
#sideview #labzerogames #marvelousaql #singleplayer #arcsystemworks #nintendoswitch #revergelabs #skyboundtabletop #skullgirls2ndencore #hiddenvariablestudios #multiplayercompetitive
Granblue Fantasy: Versus Rising, gameplay trailer per Siegfried: beta test su PS4 e PS5 previsto per luglio
#arcsystemworks #cygames #granbluefantasyversusrising
Guilty Gear: Strive, annunciati il personaggio DLC Asuka R# e il Season Pass 3
#arcsystemworks #GuiltyGearStrive
DNF Duel: Who’s Next – Análisis Switch
#Análisis #ArcSystemWorks #DNFDuel #DNFDuel:Who’sNext #Fightinggames #Neople #ReefEntertainmentLtd
#analisis #arcsystemworks #dnfduel #fightinggames #neople #reefentertainmentltd
¡A pelear! DNF Duel: Who’s Next llega a Nintendo Switch
#Noticias #ArcSystemWorks #DNFDuel:Who’sNext
#noticias #arcsystemworks #dnfduel
El CEO de #ArcSystemWorks habla acerca de la posibilidad de un juego de pelea basado en #OnePiece en un futuro no muy lejano :3. https://bit.ly/3KgnBZg
#ArcSystemWorks reveló nuevos detalles acerca del Season Pass de #DNFDuel, que está en camino de #NintendoSwitch :3. https://bit.ly/3ZHyWrQ
#arcsystemworks #dnfduel #nintendoswitch
Atlus / Arc System Works
#GuiltyGear #PlayStation #sony #arcsystemworks #90s #fighting #retro #retrogames #RETROGAMING
#guiltygear #playstation #sony #arcsystemworks #90s #fighting #retro #retrogames #retrogaming
Granblue Fantasy: Relink to Versus
The title can be read in at least two ways, and they're both correct.
#News #Videogames #ArcSystemWorks #CyGames #GranblueFantasy #GranblueFantasyVersus #GranblueFantasy:Relink #PlatinumGames #videogames
#news #videogames #arcsystemworks #cygames #granbluefantasy #granbluefantasyversus #platinumgames
Kotaku: Anime Fighting Game Under Attack By Hackers Who Have Made It Unplayable https://kotaku.com/guilty-gear-strike-r-code-exploit-hack-online-game-cras-1849966315 #gaming #tech #kotaku #digitaltechnology #videogameexploit #computersecurity #arcsystemworks #securityhacker #hackerculture #doityourself #subcultures #videogaming #computing #stephen #hotashi #hobbies #sports #julian #hacker #zack #gpu
#Gaming #Tech #kotaku #digitaltechnology #videogameexploit #computersecurity #arcsystemworks #securityhacker #hackerculture #doityourself #subcultures #videogaming #computing #stephen #hotashi #hobbies #sports #julian #hacker #zack #gpu