A trip down memory lane - UK — Farne Islands, Northumberland — Arctic Terns (Sterna paradisaea) https://bit.ly/47rVT6F #UK #FarneIslands #Northumberland #ArcticTerns #SternaParadisaea #Seabirds
#uk #farneislands #northumberland #arcticterns #sternaparadisaea #seabirds
A trip down memory lane - UK — Arctic Terns (Sterna paradisaea) on the Farne Islands, Northumberland - Wear a hat https://bit.ly/47rVT6F #UK #FarneIslands #Northumberland #ArcticTerns #SternaParadisaea #Seabirds
#uk #farneislands #northumberland #arcticterns #sternaparadisaea #seabirds
A trip down memory lane - UK — Farne Islands, Northumberland — Arctic Terns (Sterna paradisaea) - Wear a hat… https://bit.ly/47rVT6F #UK #FarneIslands #Northumberland #ArcticTerns #SternaParadisaea #Seabirds
#uk #farneislands #northumberland #arcticterns #sternaparadisaea #seabirds
A trip down memory lane - UK — Why you should wear a hat if you visit the Arctic Terns (Sterna paradisaea) on the Farne Islands, Northumberland https://bit.ly/47rVT6F #UK #FarneIslands #Northumberland #ArcticTerns #SternaParadisaea #Seabirds
#uk #farneislands #northumberland #arcticterns #sternaparadisaea #seabirds
UK — Farne Islands, Northumberland — Arctic Terns (Sterna paradisaea) - Wear a hat…
#UK #FarneIslands #Northumberland #ArcticTerns #SternaParadisaea #Seabirds
#uk #farneislands #northumberland #arcticterns #sternaparadisaea #seabirds
You may see some of the world's last great #WildlifeMigrations here. #Caribou travel as many as a thousand miles to calve. #Salmon swim up the forest's wild rivers to spawn. In the summer, billions of #birds, from whooping #cranes to #ArcticTerns, breed here. 🐦
#arcticterns #cranes #birds #salmon #caribou #wildlifemigrations