#Unbelievable SOunD !!11
Ah. yes.
But in all #honesty.
I might get a second pair.
Best #headphones ever.
• #Source mixing (#aux & #bluetooth
• Easily last #days w.o. #recharging
I #love them
(I even #resewed the earfoam thing by hand, to keep em alive)
#unbelievable #honesty #headphones #source #aux #bluetooth #days #recharging #love #resewed #arctis #steelseries
I got annoyed with it and asked for a refund, I bought the cheapest #HyperX headset I could find, and I also got the cheapsest HyperX usb mic, and I still spent less than on the #Arctis, and I'm happier. Only issue is the mic on the headset is a bit quiet. On #linux at least I managed to boost it. I know it can be done in #Windows too with #voicemeeter if I ever need to.
#hyperx #arctis #linux #windows #voicemeeter
SteelSeries 聯乘 Diablo IV 限量特別版耳機 + 滑鼠 + 滑鼠墊
SteelSeries 從 Diablo IV 世界中汲取靈感,限量版系列將重新包裝 Arctis Nova […]
The post SteelSeries 聯乘 Diablo IV 限量特別版耳機 + 滑鼠 + 滑鼠墊 appeared first on 香港 unwire.hk 玩生活.樂科技.
#音樂耳機 #Aerox 5 Wireless #Aerox 5 Wireless Diablo IV Edition #Arctis Nova 7
I just realized the #SteelSeries #Arctis 3 headset that I bought in 2019 has since gone out of stock.
Looks like they're selling the Arctis Nova now, but I still like the original design.
Not many #PFIB #Arctis systems out there but maybe useful to some: #SerialFIB runs on Arctis now #TeamTomo!AutoLoader integration will change in the future and is a little hacked with help from my @thermosciEMSpec friends, thus not on GitHub, PM if needed. https://github.com/sklumpe/SerialFIB/tree/dev
#pfib #arctis #serialfib #teamtomo
Not many #PFIB #Arctis systems out there but maybe useful to some: #SerialFIB runs on Arctis now #TeamTomo!AutoLoader integration will change in the future and is a little hacked with help from my @thermosciEMSpec friends, thus not on GitHub, PM if needed. https://github.com/sklumpe/SerialFIB/tree/dev
#pfib #arctis #serialfib #teamtomo
Rekordverdächtiger Wetterumschwung brachte Rekordverschmutzung
Innerhalb weniger Tage vom 14. bis zum 17. April 2020 erlebten sie einen bemerkenswerten Wärmeeinbruch, der die Temperaturen von minus 30,8 Grad Celsius fast bis zum Gefrierpunkt ansteigen ließ. Nie zuvor seit Beginn moderner Aufzeichnungen zu Beginn der 1980er Jahre hatten Wissenschaftler in der zentralen Arktis einen ähnlich starken Anstieg beobachtet.
#klimaforschung #arctis #polarstern