8. April
Ein weiterer Tag, ein erneuter chemischer Angriff auf Schüler*innen in den Städten #Divandarreh, #Ardebil und #Pardis/#Karaj.
Fire and flame to the patriarchy!
Another day, another chemical attack on students in the cities of #Divandarreh, #Ardebil and #Pardis/#Karaj.
Fire and flame to the patriarchy!
#divandarreh #ardebil #pardis #gegen_frauenfeindlichkeit #against_misogyny #iran
8. April
Ein weiterer Tag, ein erneuter chemischer Angriff auf Schüler*innen in den Städten #Divandarreh, #Ardebil und #Pardis/#Karaj.
Fire and flame to the patriarchy!
Another day, another chemical attack on students in the cities of #Divandarreh, #Ardebil and #Pardis/#Karaj.
Fire and flame to the patriarchy!
#divandarreh #ardebil #pardis #gegen_frauenfeindlichkeit #against_misogyny #iran
Nach dem Ende der Nowrouz Ferien gab es heute wieder mehrere Giftgasangriffe auf Mädchenschulen im #Iran - der Staatsterror des islamischen Regimes geht weiter. Grundschulen & weiterführende Schulen in #Ardebil, #Urmia, #Naghadeh, #Pardis & #Haftkal in #Khuzestan betroffen. #iranrevolution
#Iran #ardebil #urmia #naghadeh #Pardis #haftkal #khuzestan #iranrevolution
Over the past three months, hundreds of female students in #Qom, #Tehran, #Borujerd, #Sari, #Ardebil #Iran and other Iranian cities have been poisoned. Now, this mysterious rash of poisoning appears to be much more serious than initially thought. The serial poisoning of students – just female – in #Iran started on December 9 in #Qom. Hundreds have been poisoned so far.
The poisoning symptoms reportedly included dizziness, nausea, backache, headaches, coughing, breathing difficulties, heart palpitations, severe chest pain, drop in blood's oxygen level and lethargy. Similar attacks on girls’ school had happened in Afghanistan before the Taliban took over the country in 2021 and banned women and girls from education.
Quoting school students in Borujerd, Tehran’s newspaper Ham Mihan reported that something like a “small bomb” was thrown into the school and released a substance that poisoned them.
The symptoms suffered by the students appear in the presence of certain chemical gases that are used in weapons of mass destruction, which are banned by the United Nations.
The students of one targeted school reported that, before being poisoned, they had smelled an odor like “rotten tangerine” and “spearmint,” the same smell as the gases used in chemical bombs. It appears that a weakened form of these gases has been used against schoolgirls.
#qom #tehran #borujerd #sari #ardebil #iran
#IranProtests - 2 Fußballlegenden des #Iran : Ali Daei (li.) hat gegen das Regime wegen Tötung der 16jähr. #AsraPanahi in seiner Geburtsstadt #Ardebil protestiert. Ali Karimi zeigt mit diesem älteren Foto seine Solidarität mit ihm u. seinen Protest gegen Regime. #MahsaAmini • Quelle: https://tw.artemislena.eu/iran_journal/status/1582658392585166849#m
#iranprotests #iran #asrapanahi #ardebil #mahsaamini
The protest of the people in #Ardebil against the ruling dictatorship after the tragedy at #Shaheed_High School and the fate of a teenager who is in a coma.
#ardebil #shaheed_high #iran #مهسا_امینی #حدیث_نجفی #نیکا_شاکرمی #سارینا_اسماعیلزاده #سامر_هاشمزهی #نیما_شفیقدوست #زن_زندگی_ئازادی #ژن_ژیان_ئازادی #قیام_ژینا #ژینا_امینی