I want you guys to meet Dolores, my favorite squirrel 😊 As a rule I don’t hand feed my squirrel friends but Dolores is the exception to that rule. She’s just so sweet and friendly and she takes the peanuts from my fingers in such an adorable, gentle manner, ohhhh what a cutie!!
#backyardanimals #squirrels #nature #wildlife #animals #ardilla #animalphotography
#backyardanimals #squirrels #nature #wildlife #animals #ardilla #animalphotography
Look at this little scamp!
He's been searching out and eating the cedar tree sprouts.
To the right of the squirrel, you can see one of the sprouts -- it looks like a palm tree. I guess they're rather tasty!
#squirrel #ardilla #eichhornchen #urbanwildlife
RT @ApuntesCiencia@twitter.com
La #ardilla malabar (Ratufa indica), endémica de la #India, alcanza los 90 cm de longitud y luce una llamativa piel multicolor • vía @Weird_AnimaIs@twitter.com #FotoCiencia Kaushik Vijayan 🐿🌈
🐦🔗: https://twitter.com/ApuntesCiencia/status/1569748351511597056
#Poesía novísima :ablobcatbongo: 📜 :blobcatblep:
La naturaleza
"La naturaleza es un aullido nocturno,
el hambre sin rodeos, atormentada,"
#sueños #naturaleza #flores #deleite #copetón #ardilla #poesía