Welp, I've gone and pre-ordered an #arduboy mini. I think when I see a complete project with a bare circuitboard for under £30 I instantly click buy.
#arduboy でラミーキューブ作れたら面白そう。CPU の思考ルーチン作るのは厳しいので、盤面を自動生成してアレンジの練習ができるようなものとかどうだろう。
#arduboy FX Mod-Chip が賞品として貰えることが決まってもう2年経つんだけど、もう忘れられてるのかなぁ…
I got this neat little #Arduboy mini portable game device. Its an Arduino core designed to run open source user created games. The games are neat though I mostly wanted to try making some games for it.
My C++ skills were crap, but my dayjob has forced a better understanding.
So this means-- #arduboy!
I was looking for more roms to load on my #rg35xx and I saw it has an #arduboy core installed. It's a neat little opensource creditcard-sized #gameboy thing. Looks like they won't ship till this summer, but you can develop games for it and run them in #retroArch https://www.arduboy.com/
Think it's waterproof?
#gaming #videogames #retroarch #gameboy #arduboy #rg35xx
#arduboy FX Game Jam の投票が始まった。応募作品は3つだけだったみたい。
I've posted my first devlog for "Find the Story", a game I'm working on for the #arduboy FX Game Jam. This is what I was teasing back in January. https://community.arduboy.com/t/find-the-story-in-development-for-fx-jam/10862
#Arduboy FX Game Jam 何か作ろうと思って何もできてない
日本語フォントとかを外部ROMに置けると便利な気がするが、そういうライブラリはあるのかな? https://twitter.com/obono/status/1602646029589176320
そういえば #Arduboy FX Game Jam のこと、すっかり頭から離れてた。
昨年末に、日本語 TTS みたいなの作るべく、PWM で8kHz の音声波形を疑似的に鳴らしてみたりはしたんだけどね。
A little "unwiredben" appears in script in the #arduboy Mini preview video posted by ShortCircuit https://youtu.be/R6doWcA6q6Y?t=334
Working on a new #Arduboy project tonight and have already used two new-to-me tools: Embedded Template Library (https://www.etlcpp.com) and the 8-bit palette bitmap editor grafx2 (http://grafx2.tk/)
New and Improved Arduboy Mini Smashes Funding Goal https://hackaday.com/2023/01/05/new-and-improved-arduboy-mini-smashes-funding-goal/ #handheldshacks #ArduinoHacks #handheldgame #ArduboyMini #kickstarter #handheld #Arduboy
#handheldshacks #ArduinoHacks #handheldgame #arduboymini #kickstarter #handheld #arduboy
New and Improved Arduboy Mini Smashes Funding Goal - Just before the holidays, we brought you word of the Arduboy Mini — the latest in ... - https://hackaday.com/2023/01/05/new-and-improved-arduboy-mini-smashes-funding-goal/ #handheldshacks #arduinohacks #handheldgame #arduboymini #kickstarter #handheld #arduboy
#arduboy #handheld #kickstarter #arduboymini #handheldgame #arduinohacks #handheldshacks
Arduboy Mini is a Fresh Take on an 8-bit Favorite https://hackaday.com/2022/12/22/arduboy-mini-is-a-fresh-take-on-an-8-bit-favorite/ #miniatureconsole #HackadayColumns #handheldgame #kickstarter #Reviews #Arduboy #Games
#miniatureconsole #HackadayColumns #handheldgame #kickstarter #reviews #arduboy #Games
Arduboy Mini is a Fresh Take on an 8-bit Favorite - We’ve always been big fans of the Arduboy here at Hackaday. When creator Kevin Bat... - https://hackaday.com/2022/12/22/arduboy-mini-is-a-fresh-take-on-an-8-bit-favorite/ #miniatureconsole #hackadaycolumns #handheldgame #kickstarter #reviews #arduboy #games
#games #arduboy #reviews #kickstarter #handheldgame #hackadaycolumns #miniatureconsole
I just backed Kevin Bates Kickstarter for the #arduboy Mini!
This looks like a cool project that can be used by electrical and software engineering students, tinkerers, and hobbyists.
I can’t/shouldn’t write code, but I want to back a project that can help others learn to do what I can’t.
Arduboy Mini hits Kickstarter for $29 and up (Tiny 8-bit game console with 300 games included)
#arduboy #kickstarter #crowdfunding #liliputing #gaming #ArduboyMini
#arduboy #kickstarter #crowdfunding #liliputing #gaming #arduboymini