This Arduino Debugger Uses the CH552 - One of the things missing from the “classic” Arduino experience is debugging. That... - #microcontrollers #arduinohacks #debugging #arduino #debug
#debug #arduino #debugging #arduinohacks #microcontrollers
Open Deck Is Your Window to Shortcuts - Once in a while, we see projects that could easily pass for commercial products. T... - #microcontrollers #arduinohacks #carbonfiber #espp8266 #macropad #macropad
#macropad #espp8266 #carbonfiber #arduinohacks #microcontrollers
Arduino-Powered Trap Hopes To Catch Mice - The old adage that you’ll make a fortune by developing a better mouse trap is not ... - #arduinohacks #mousetrap #mousetrap #arduino
#arduino #mousetrap #arduinohacks
Low Res Arduino Thermal Camera - Do you know how you see those cheap telescopes at the department store? The box ha... - #digitalcamerashacks #thermalcamera #arduinohacks #arduino
#arduino #arduinohacks #thermalcamera #digitalcamerashacks
A Usable Arduino Debugging Tool - For as popular as the Arduino platform is, it’s not without its problems. Among th... - #arduinohacks #debugger #arduino #display #eye2see #library #program #tool #i2c
#i2c #tool #program #library #eye2see #display #arduino #debugger #arduinohacks
Vacuum Chamber Gets Automation - [Nick] does a lot of custom work with vacuum tubes. So much so that he builds his ... - #vacuumchamber #arduinohacks #arduinopro #atmega328p #vacuumtube #arduino #vacuum #glass #pump
#pump #glass #vacuum #arduino #vacuumtube #atmega328p #arduinopro #arduinohacks #vacuumchamber
OLED Display Lets Vintage PC Engage Turbo Mode in Style - Back in the 486 days, it was common to see a “Turbo” button on the front panel of ... - #retrocomputing #arduinohacks #turbobutton #ssd1306 #oled
#oled #ssd1306 #turbobutton #arduinohacks #retrocomputing
486 Gets Animated Turbo Button Thanks to Arduino - There was a point in time, excruciatingly brief, in which desktop computers often ... - #retrocomputing #arduinopromini #arduinohacks #turbobutton
#turbobutton #arduinohacks #arduinopromini #retrocomputing
Shake, Rattle, Roll, with Your Own Seismograph - We always love to see projects where you can build your own lab equipment so [Comp... - #arduinohacks #seismograph #mpu6050
#mpu6050 #seismograph #arduinohacks
Punched Cards Are In The Cloud, With This Arduino - Grizzled veterans of the computing industry will relate stories of submitting proj... - #punchedcardreader #arduinohacks #punchedcard #lisp
#lisp #punchedcard #arduinohacks #punchedcardreader
Moon Phase Lamp Uses Rotating Shade - The Moon has fascinated humanity for centuries. These days, though, it’s a trial a... - #arduinohacks #ledhacks #moonlamp #lamp #moon
#moon #lamp #moonlamp #ledhacks #arduinohacks
Electronic Connect 4 Console Doesn’t Use LCD - You might think that making your own electronic games would require some kind of L... - #arduinohacks #neopixel #arduino #ws2812 #games
#games #ws2812 #arduino #neopixel #arduinohacks
Handheld PC Looks Great - [Bytewelder] fondly remembers the Palm III and Sharp HC-4500, so taking on the des... - #3dprinterhacks #arduinohacks #raspberrypi #cyberdeck #handheld
#handheld #cyberdeck #raspberrypi #arduinohacks #3dprinterhacks
Rickrolling SSID with ESP32 - Reddit user [nomoreimfull] posted code for a dynamic WiFi beacon to r/arduino. Th... - #microcontrollers #wirelesshacks #arduinohacks #rrickroll #esp32 #prank #wi-fi #ssid
#ssid #wi #prank #esp32 #rrickroll #arduinohacks #wirelesshacks #microcontrollers
Building a Motorized Pan Tilt Rig For Filming - Today, anyone can shoot video because cameras are cheap and readily available. But... - #digitalcamerashacks #arduinohacks #pantiltzoom #pan-tilt #camera
#camera #pan #pantiltzoom #arduinohacks #digitalcamerashacks
Timeframe: The Little Desk Calendar That Could - Usually, the problem comes before the solution, but for [Stavros], the opposite ha... - #arduinohacks #platformio #homehacks #calendar #selenium #pillow #python #eink
#eink #python #pillow #selenium #calendar #homehacks #platformio #arduinohacks
Forget ChatGPT and Play Rock-Paper-Scissors With Yourself Instead - This isn’t like the cool AI everyone’s getting caught up with these days, but we’r... - #rockpaperscissors #arduinohacks #chatgpt
#chatgpt #arduinohacks #rockpaperscissors
An Ultra Low Power Dash Cam - Dash cameras are handy as they provide a video recording of interactions on the ro... - #arduinohacks #powerregul #carhacks #lowpower #arduino #dashcam
#dashcam #arduino #lowpower #carhacks #powerregul #arduinohacks
Spy On Your Cat to Make Sure It Gets Its Paws In - [Scott Cutler] has a young cat, [Cygnus], that loves to run on a cat wheel and [Sc... - #datavisualization #halleffectsensor #dataacquisition #arduinohacks #homehacks #catwheel #esp8266
#esp8266 #catwheel #homehacks #arduinohacks #dataacquisition #halleffectsensor #datavisualization
Sound Sculpture Uses Daisy Seed To Generate Audio - Here at Hackaday, we love a good art piece, whether that involves light or sound. ... - #generativeart #arduinohacks #sculpture #musical #stm32 #art
#art #stm32 #musical #sculpture #arduinohacks #generativeart