The demographer's dilemma:
Bc #PopStudies institutions--your #PopCenter, #PAA2023, #DemographyJournal & etc--are your core intellectual home, you want them to make a lot of space for "demographer's demography," bc if that stuff doesn't happen there, there's nowhere else in the world it will happen
bc #demography as a field is small, small, small, you want your institutions to have broad ownership so they're vibrant and sustainable and fun
#AreaStudies friends: same boat?
#areaStudies #demography #demographyjournal #paa2023 #popcenter #popstudies
RT @UCLpress
The FRINGE series explores the roles that complexity, ambivalence and immeasurability play in social and cultural phenomena. Take a look at the latest titles #openaccess #humanities #socialsciences #areastudies
#openaccess #humanities #socialsciences #areaStudies
Charles E. Scheidt #PostDoc Fellowship in Genocide and Mass Atrocity Prevention
@ Binghamton University & State University of New York
Subject Fields:
Deadline: 01/03/2023
#AcademicJob #postdoc #holocaust #genocide #memorystudies #africanhistory #AfricanStudies #Anthropology #areaStudies
U.S. Senators Tammy Baldwin (D-WI) and Todd Young (R-IN) reintroduced the Advancing International and Foreign Language Education Act #highered #universities #areastudies #languages
#highered #universities #areaStudies #languages
Zajímá vás širší kontext ruské války na Ukrajině? @FSV_UK a @imsfsvuk tu jsou pro vás. Tentokrát něco ke střední Asii. #AreaStudies
🔴Ruská invaze na Ukrajinu urychlila další fázi rozpadu post-sovětského prostoru.
Říká Slavomír Horák z @imsfsvuk, autor nového policy briefu. Odborný článek vznikl v rámci Expertní skupiny pro Ukrajinu #ESU.
erster Tag #Metadaten - Schulung mit @jorol - viel mitzunehmen, aber eins merke ich: der Historiker-Drang, alles an Daten zu erfassen, was geht, wird zunehmend geschlagen von der simplen Frage: wozu? Bin froh, kompetente Kolleg:innen vor Ort zu haben, weil das Thema gerade für uns, die wir international und viel digital arbeiten, mit der Zeit nur wichtiger werden wird. #linkedopendata #areastudies #international
#international #areaStudies #linkedopendata #metadaten