As Alameda home prices soar, more and more families are forced to move away. Thushan Amarasiriwardena talks with the Mays—a firefighter and teacher duo with three children who are headed to Sacramento in hopes of stability for their young family.
#AffordableHomes #alameda #AreaMedianIncome #FairMarketRent #housing #JerryMay #NicoleMay #renters #sacramento #wages
#affordablehomes #alameda #areamedianincome #fairmarketrent #housing #jerrymay #nicolemay #renters #sacramento #wages
Alameda’s guaranteed income pilot program, Rise Up Alameda, will begin accepting applications for eligible households at 9 a.m. on Friday, September 8. The new program will provide 150 randomly selected low-income households with $1,000 per month for 24 months.
#alameda #AlamedaFreeLibrary #AlamedaPointCollaborative #AreaMedianIncome #GuaranteedBasicIncome #MastickSeniorCenter #OperationDignity #RiseUpAlameda
#alameda #alamedafreelibrary #alamedapointcollaborative #areamedianincome #guaranteedbasicincome #mastickseniorcenter #operationdignity #riseupalameda