#arecord #Aufnahmetest in der #Konsole: #Selbstreferentiell(e) #transmedial(e) #Erzählweise einzelner #Reflexion(en) anstatt #unreflektiert(e) #Kapitelmarke(n) eines #Gespräch(es) unter der #Bedingung von #Organisationszwang; #Post der #Audiodatei direkt aus der #Konsole mit #CLI #Programm #Toot / #TUI
#arecord #Aufnahmetest #konsole #selbstreferentiell #transmedial #erzählweise #reflexion #unreflektiert #Kapitelmarke #gespräch #bedingung #organisationszwang #post #Audiodatei #cli #programm #toot #tui
In less than a week #SGFATokyo will take place in Japan. I also contributed to the event with the work "Let's Amplify Unspeakable Things". It was exciting to prepare a video paper for it, using the tools I made/used for the actual project (#command-line #podcasts, #arecord, #screenrecording, #draggable #audio-tags, #web-audio #interface). The paper is performed as a one-shot recording.
"SOUND::GENDER::FEMINISM::ACTIVISM (SGFATokyo) will investigate the relationships between sound in all its various creative and theoretical forms, gender and activism. This fourth instalment will take place at Tokyo University of the Arts, Japan.
SGFA was originally initiated in 2012 by researchers and artists based at the Creative Research into Sound Arts Practice (CRiSAP). The events form part of ongoing collaborative research into historic and contemporary feminist discourses in sound and experimental music. This research aims to expand and to question the place and performance of activism within the discourses and practices of sound arts, sound-based arts and experimental musics that are engaged with gender, feminist and queer politics and to contribute to a growing network of researchers and practitioners working in these areas."
More info:
#sgfatokyo #command #podcasts #arecord #screenrecording #draggable #audio #web #interface