LARB reviews:
Towards a Philosophy of Birth
by Jennifer Banks
"Perhaps this was in part a response to one of her lovers, Martin #Heidegger who, like most male philosophers, fetishized death. #Arendt, by contrast, wrote in The Human Condition (1958) that we are 'not born in order to die but in order to begin.'"
I think that #asylum needs to be thought of as something #sacred. I haven't quite worked this out yet.
There is the basic necessity of a system of asylum. To believe in asylum is to believe in freedom. It is to accept that an individual who does not fit into the community of her nativity can flee. It is to believe that we cannot be forced to conform by tyrannical masters or norms, that the individual can escape authority.
That is not yet sacrosanct. There are two more aspects. The first is a sort of Fregean context principle but applied to people and communities. Never ask after the meaning of an individual in isolation from the community. Just as the significance of a word is its contribution to the significance of sentences in which it can occur, a person is fundamentally part of community. But see above, there are only sentences because there are words and there are only communities because there are individuals. It is the individuals who count.
The second is that a person outside of a legal system is without standing, without protection and, because of the context principle, has lost her personhood. On a very practical level, the asylum seeker is outside the protection of the law but subject to its force. Border spaces are so violent not because people on the move are criminalised, the criminal can expect due process, but because they are outlawed. You can do anything to a non-person. (All classic #Arendt.)
So we need a process of asylum to bring people in, to end exile, which must then be a sort of rebirth, a new beginning, a rupture. It must be inviolable and unconditional, or perhaps only conditioned on need. We cannot regulate people's mobility, accepting claims only from those who apply through the appropriate channels or travel on '#SafeRoutes' as the #UK establishment wish. Instead we must respond to the unconditional need of the person who has no legal standing and bring her in so that she can be remade. That is something sacred
#asylum #sacred #arendt #saferoutes #uk
Nice excerpt from Wolfram Eilenberger's newly translated book in today's LitHub. One quote:
"progressive reason can 'liberate from the prejudices of the past, and it can guide the future. Unfortunately, ... it can free isolated individuals only, can direct the future only of Crusoes. The individual who has been liberated by reason is always running head-on into a world, a society, whose past in the shape of ‘prejudices’ has a great deal of power ...'"
#Philosophy #Arendt
«On December 4, 1948, the New York Times published a letter by a group of Jewish dignitaries, including Albert #Einstein and political theorist Hannah #Arendt, protesting a visit to the United States by Menachem Begin and denouncing his Herut (Freedom) party on the grounds that it was, as they wrote, "a political party closely akin in its organization, methods, political philosophy and social appeal to the Nazi and Fascist parties."»
#einstein #arendt #israel #zionism #fascism
#Arendt is right. The right to asylum is the fundamental human right. It is the right to have rights. Why? Because the refugee is the one who is outside of any community, any system of protection. She has no standing and thus no rights. Asylum brings that person in. It gives her back her standing. It protects her. It gives her back her rights.
This right is no longer available in the UK thanks to the #IllegalImmigrationAct
#arendt #illegalimmigrationact
Quelqu'un.e a lu ce livre ?
Kathryn Sophia Belle / Gines : Hannah Arendt et la question noire
In L'Osservatore Romano
"Without doing so explicitly, the #Pope was referencing the ideas of German philosopher Martin #Heidegger, a brilliant, unsettling and central figure of the 1900s, who developed this concept of existence as “being towards death”, in his essays. According to the Pope, the presence of art and artists is a denial of this idea and, confirming this immediately after, he quotes Hannah #Arendt , who was first Heidegger’s pupil and then his lover..."
"#Flucht, #Exil, der Verlust von Heimat und sogar des eigenen Lebens – all diese Erfahrungen verbinden die drei Frauen Helena #Nathan, Anna #Seghers und Hannah #Arendt. In der Podcast-Folge zeichnen Moderatorin Bianca Schwarz und Autorin und Zeichnerin Anna Faroqhi die Lebenswege der drei Frauen nach und fragen immer wieder, welche Erfahrungen von Flucht und Ankommen heute in unserer Gesellschaft präsent sind."
#flucht #exil #nathan #seghers #arendt #podcast
"Die #Banalität des Bösen", Überlegungen von Hannah #Arendt sind heute wieder hochaktuell. Sie gelten für die #Klimakrise und den Kapitalismus der Selbst- und #Umweltausbeutung gleichermaßen.
Spannend auch die Feststellung von Philip #Kovce:
#kovce #umweltausbeutung #klimakrise #arendt #banalitat
New paper
Babette Babich's
Da-Sein’s Body: Between #Heidegger on Being and #Anders on Having
#Agamben #Arendt #Baudrillard
#heidegger #anders #agamben #arendt #baudrillard
Nieuw werk:
Octavo basisserie 22
Second title after the refresh of our 2008 (!) series design.
Tussen verleden en toekomst
Hannah Arendt
Uit nou!
#typography #bookdesign #cover #typefaces #hashtags #arendt
Lesenswerter Artikel über Hannah #Arendt und Factual Truth:
"We need factual truth in order to safeguard humanity [..]. And we need to be able to take some of these factual truths for granted so that we can share the world in common and move freely through our daily lives."
Es wird die These aufgestellt, dass Argumentation mit "der" Wahrheit nicht zielführend ist / uns nicht retten wird. Was bedeutet das in Bezug auf wissenschaftliche Kommunikation bzgl. #Klimachaos?
Hannah Arendt, fourth from left, in 1935, traveling with stateless youths to Palestine, as part of the Youth Aliyah project. Arendt worked for the Youth Aliyah during her exile in France. She took care and prepared youngsters to their future lives in Palestine.
📸: Courtney Schlesinger Library, Radcliffe Institute, Harvard University
#arendt #hannaharendt #tb1935 #tb
“For it is in the nature of the human condition that contemplation remains dependent upon all sorts of activities -- it depends upon labor to produce whatever is necessary to keep the human organism alive, it depends upon work to create whatever is needed to house the human body, and it needs action in order to organize the living together of many human beings in such a way that peace, the condition for the quiet of contemplation is assured.”
#HannahArendt #Arendt #quotes #quote
#quote #quotes #arendt #hannaharendt
@peterrelph2 I suspect that you can. Sanders would have won hands down against Trump is my guess. It's just that Trump's obscenity marked him out as 'different', an outsider, which of course he in no way was. But you had to believe that he was an outsider to project your fantasy of change onto him.
The other issue is that these ultra right types mobilise the mob (in #Arendt's sense). That is to say their constituency is those without any real class interest. There is nothing that the mob wants but the thrill of power. That may well be the majority of Americans.
«Gli avvertimenti contenuti in questa lettera pubblica sono stati pienamente confermati negli ultimi quarant'anni [...]
«Infatti, il "fascista" e "terrorista" Menachem Begin del 1948 è lo stesso Begin che ventinove anni dopo diventa Primo ministro di #Israele! E lo fa a capo di un nuovo partito, il Likud, che ha come base costituente il suo vecchio partito della "Libertà" (Herut), che #Einstein e #Arendt denunciarono nel 1948 come "fascista"! Ma la cosa più importante è che da allora è proprio questo Likud a governare Israele, monopolizzando [o quasi, ndr] il potere da quando lo scontro fratricida [...] all'interno del movimento sionista, durato quasi un secolo, si è concluso con la vittoria totale del Likud e la quasi scomparsa del partito laburista»
“Even though we have lost yardsticks by which to measure, and rules under which to subsume the particular, a being whose essence is a beginning may have enough of origin within himself to understand without preconceived categories and to judge without the set of customary rules which is morality.”
#judgment #morality #quotes #quote #arendt #hannaharendt
RT @heidlberger_dr
Gemeinsamkeiten von #Kant und Hannah #Arendt bei der Frage: „Was macht einen guten Staat aus?“ …
in 5 Min. via @YouTube
It’s spring in the North, fall in the South, so let’s chill like Hannah Arendt.
Photo: courtesy of @samantharhill