LIVE 3/22/23 7:30 PM ET #Revelation #Redpill Wednesday EP 5: Exposing the History Behind Modern End Times Teachings w/ #DavidSorensen Our most anticipated RRPW yet! Where did the idea for a 7-Year #Tribulation/#Rapture come from? What if I told you the modern #endtimes theories from sources like the #LeftBehind series have only been around for about 150 years? Who came up with a #secretrapture that would whisk God's people away before a worldwide #Apocalypse? What do #JohnDarby #CIScofield & #DLMoody have in common? They all taught the imminent return of #Jesus in their lifetimes but somehow missed it. Tonight we will expose the enemy's plot to disempower the church. #lastdays #postmillennial #kingdomnow #eschatology #areweinthetribulation #apocalypse Watch!!!👇👇👇
#areweinthetribulation #eschatology #kingdomnow #PostMillennial #Lastdays #jesus #DLMoody #CIScofield #JohnDarby #Apocalypse #secretrapture #LeftBehind #endtimes #tribulation #DavidSorensen #redpill #revelation