Adjusting for inflation (sic) and the one or other co-occurence ; I should be hitting mid-life crisis next week, month or year. The bar is high (do you have $44B to spare?) so I hope I won't disappoint
(Thus far it feels like a mixture of "I told you so" and "Why the fuck did noone told me that? Like, you now... At the start?" -both in ALL CAPS)
#NotNow #AreWeNow #ActuallyAutistic #ActuallyAutisticTruth #NotYourTeddy #AllCaps #TimeTravelerJokes
#NotNow #arewenow #actuallyautistic #actuallyautistictruth #NotYourTeddy #allcaps #timetravelerjokes
Adjusting for inflation (sic) and the one or other co-occurence ; I should be hitting mid-life crisis next week. The bar is high, so I hope I won't disappoint
(Thus far it feels like a mixture of "I told you so" and "Why the fuck did noone told me that? Like, you now... At the start?" -both in ALL CAPS)
#NotNow #AreWeNow #ActuallyAutistic #ActuallyAutisticTruth #NotYourTeddy #AllCaps
#NotNow #arewenow #actuallyautistic #actuallyautistictruth #NotYourTeddy #allcaps
Adjusting for inflation (sic) and the one or other co-occurences I should be hitting mid-life crisis next week. I hope I won't disappoint (Thus far it feels like a mixture of "I told you so" and "Why the fuck did noone told me that? Like, you now... At the start?"
#NotNow #AreWeNow #ActuallyAutistic #ActuallyAutisticTruth #NotYourTeddy
#NotNow #arewenow #actuallyautistic #actuallyautistictruth #NotYourTeddy
Adjusting for inflation (sic) and the one or other co-occurences I should be hitting mid-life crisis next week. I hope I won't disappoint (Thus far it feels like a mixture of "I told you so" and "Why the fuck did noone told me that? Like, you now... At the start?"
#Masking is not lying, it's guessing all the lines, then choosing the path of least disturbance. I go with the script while you go with the flow, cause "You can't handle the truth" cause you've got ego, cause I know where the path leads and that's the one place I don't want to go. More often than not we also see the other lines, Arborescent thinking they say (their words not mine)
I just see what they imply and stay still, cause of how much they will cost and the pain involved: all of it *at the same time*. More often than not it leads to a loop, every exit being hurtful. That's when I meltdown. When the script eats it's own tail, when there is ascript I refuse to follow, an out, a gesture or a sound so it all comes around. But that would cause too much pain. Here comes the rain.
When I'm stuck and see one, two or more wayy out, yours, theirs and mine, #NotNow but all of them *at the same time* That's when I shutdown.
"I identify as tired"; sweet dreams, I'll see you on the other side;
#masking #NotNow #actuallyautistic #actuallyautistictruth #arewenow
Here we go again... #HomeOffice done right
#Writing #EsWarEinMalInParisBerlinSofia
#CreativeWriting #Interface #Now #NotNow #AreWeNow #NotYourTeddy
#homeoffice #writing #eswareinmalinparisberlinsofia #creativewriting #interface #now #NotNow #arewenow #NotYourTeddy
@brainpilgrim @revolt3d Yes, that makes a lot of sense, (much like Alice and us all create meta-narratives in order to breathe meaning into chaos) but tbh I've always been confused by the way we are being taught that we experience time in a linear way, I never felt that way, in my case now that I have the words to articulate it, it without a doubt has to do with so-called atypical autobiographical episodic memory and c-ptsd (my oldest memory is one where I'm dissociating, escaping the now because it was intolerable, so I guess I never stood a chance)
Flashbacks, vivid dreams + years in total isolation and the inner world I had to retreat to to survive make me constantly ask the question "Are we now?" (to the point that I got it tattooed on my body).
Anyways, as a social construct time is without a doubt one of "the master's tools", and will stay so as long as his house stands (and as a biological reality it ain't universal either, more importantly, in that regard biological chrono processes are just clocks, they neither are nor do the define time itself, they just measure it)
I ain't got the background to talk physics in any meaningful way and cannot speak to the validity of loop quantum gravity, but long story short, if time is real I believe we have a moral obligation to find it and kill it ("lunchtime double so";)))