#Bimbo morto sotto al trattore ad #Argenta: "Lutto cittadino per il piccolo Diego Vecchietti"
Il sindaco Baldini inviterà l’intera comunità a partecipare al dolore della famiglia nel giorno dell’addio La prossima settimana si svolgerà anche la perizia cinematica per stabilire la dinamica dell’incidente
Child dies under tractor in #Argenta: 'Citizen mourning for little Diego Vecchietti'
Mayor Baldini will invite the entire community to participate in the family's grief on the day of the farewell Next week, a kinematic survey will also be carried out to establish the dynamics of the accident
25-5-2023 21:51 #Tutte le notizie di oggi - Carlino https://www.ilrestodelcarlino.it/feedservice/compilations/1/ https://www.ilrestodelcarlino.it/ferrara/cronaca/bimbo-morto-trattore-argenta-diego-vecchietti-81fe53c3
#Bimbo morto colpito dal trattore ad #Argenta: conducente indagato per la morte di Diego Vecchietti
Saranno l’autopsia e una perizia cinematica a chiarire la dinamica dell’accaduto. Il bambino di 5 anni stava facendo una passeggiata con i genitori e la sorellina. Il guidatore del mezzo ha scelto di non rispondere alle domande degli inquirenti
Child killed by tractor in #Argenta: driver investigated in the death of Diego Vecchietti
An autopsy and a kinematic expertise will clarify the dynamics of the accident. The 5-year-old boy was taking a walk with his parents and little sister. The driver of the vehicle chose not to answer the investigators' questions
24-5-2023 21:34 #Tutte le notizie di oggi - Carlino https://www.ilrestodelcarlino.it/feedservice/compilations/1/ https://www.ilrestodelcarlino.it/ferrara/cronaca/bimbo-morto-trattore-argenta-diego-vecchietti-5053421e
*2 of my friends were violently arrested there. CRCC has zero enforcement power*
#CRCC will look into the actions of the the #RCMP #EDivision #CIRG - formed in 2017 to respond to #protests against #ecocude projects in #BritishColumbia .
1 of the incidents to be #investigated is #police #enforcement of an #injunction obtained by #CooperCreekCedar against #protesters at #SalisburyCreek near #Argenta in 2022, which led to 17 arrests.
#crcc #rcmp #edivision #cirg #protests #ecocude #britishcolumbia #investigated #police #enforcement #injunction #coopercreekcedar #protesters #salisburycreek #argenta #disbandcirg #badgedcriminals #acab
Commission work 😤
#argenta #dragonnest #threesome #group #blowjob #animation #ancientdragon #silverdragon #dragon #silverhair #whitehair #animated
#argenta #dragonnest #threesome #group #blowjob #animation #ancientdragon #silverdragon #dragon #silverhair #whitehair #animated