Movie: 'The Tango Lesson' (with Sally Potter, Pablo Veron, Gustavo Navera, Fabian Salas etal)
Length: 1hr 37mins
Many lovely moments of #tango
#argentinetango #tangoargentino #tangolesson #tangodancer #ilovetango #tangocommunity #mastotango
#tango #argentinetango #tangoargentino #tangolesson #tangodancer #ilovetango #tangocommunity #mastotango
"Cabeceo/mirada rule is a part of the #tango culture which is not only a symbolic ritual. The etiquette is a shield by which clever people protect themselves from unpleasant situations. The following five points will give you clear picture how the cabeceo/mirada rule will protect you. So, why cabeceo?" ~ Ivika Anteski aka TangoMentor
#argentinetango #tangoprotocol #tangoetiquette #tangocommunity #mastotango #tangolife #tangoblog #tangoinwales
#tango #argentinetango #tangoprotocol #tangoetiquette #tangocommunity #mastotango #tangolife #tangoblog #tangoinwales
If you are thinking about learning how to dance #argentinetango you need to take on board that to dance successfully you have to leave #ego behind. There has to 100% acceptance of your authentic self and 100% acceptance of the other person in the dance.
#tangoDJ Yelizaveta at 'Tango Banter' talks about this in her podcast #77:
#argentinetango #milonga #mastotango #tangodancer #tangotunes #tangobanter
#argentinetango #ego #tangodj #milonga #mastotango #tangodancer #tangotunes #tangobanter
Musical #tango toes
#tangotune : Carlos Di Sarli & Alberto Podesta "Al Compas Del Corazon"
Dancer: Eleonora Kalganova
#tango #argentinetango #tangotune #mastotango
Beautiful #ochos and #rulos #argentinetango
#TangoTune: "Al Compas del Corazón" Miguel Caló
#ochos #rulos #argentinetango #tangotune
It sounded promising to my ear. I've been listening to #argentinetango for over 15 years.
This is something you might find very interesting.
and also: Murat Erdemsel's work on musicality, all his presentations are great.
I can well imagine! It's not easy to dance either! It is however very emotional and inspiring when you 'get it'.
#argentinetango #mastotango #tangocommunity #tangoinwales #tangotunes
There will be a tango community with classes running in your location, I'm sure.
#argentinetango #mastotango #tangocommunity #tangoinwales #tangotunes
Our first language is not 'words' ... it is 'movement'.
Unfortunately for some people they lose that bond with movement when they grow from toddler to child to teen to adult.
They allow others to tell them how to behave: what is and what is not acceptable.
Movement, in other words 'dance', sets our spirit free.
Join your #tangocommunity it can set your soul free.
#mastotango #tangoargentino #argentinetango #tango
#tangocommunity #mastotango #tangoargentino #argentinetango #tango
Beat this for musicality!
Alejandra Mantinan and Aoniken Quiroga dance to the very popular 'Flor de Monserrat' by Rodolfo Biagi.
#milongamagic #tangotune #Biagi #tangoargentino #argentinetango #tangodancing #performancetango #showtango #tangomusicality
#milongamagic #tangotune #biagi #tangoargentino #argentinetango #tangodancing #performancetango #showtango #tangomusicality #letthemusiclead
Really enjoying the feast of information about #tangotunes and #tangomaestros here on @antzee 's website TANGO NOTES. [Thanks Amelia].
This resource combined with Michael Lavocah's 'Tango Masters' library of books, about the famous #tango orchestra leaders, is a must for someone like me who thrives on learning as much of the detail as possible.
#tango #tangoargentino #argentinetango #tangocommunity #mastotango #tangomusic #tangotunes
#tangotunes #tangomaestros #tango #tangoargentino #argentinetango #tangocommunity #mastotango #tangomusic
Very glad to hear you are attracting the late 20s ,30s cohort to the #argentinetango scene. Would it by any chance, be due to mentions of tantra? There's so much to be gained from both #tango and #tantra . It could easily correct societies flaws in one fell swoop.
#argentinetango #tango #tantra
When the weather is fine we attend an outdoor #milonga (#tango social dance) at the home of our #tangoteacher. Dancing en plein air is a very healthy way to exercise, but not for #hayfever sufferers obviously. 😜
And, definitely not if you are allergic to #bee stings as there are 6 #beehives in this garden space.
Live #tangomusic is a bonus, Ruth Rozzelar plays #Bandoneón
#argentinetango #tangocommunity #tangoinwales #tangodancing #salontango
#salontango #tangodancing #tangoinwales #tangocommunity #argentinetango #bandoneon #tangomusic #beehives #bee #hayfever #tangoteacher #tango #milonga
..... Two left feet you say, that's so weak!
When I see a guy like the one in the video dancing #tango, which is a difficult dance, I recall the flaky guys I've met who won't try, as they are scared they'll make a fool of themselves.
This is how the real men dance.
#argentinetango #disabledman #strengthcomesfromwithin
This video is in the public domain.
#strengthcomesfromwithin #disabledman #argentinetango #tango
#argentinetango is not concerned with a sequence of learned steps, it is COMPLETELY improvisational.
People either love it or hate it. You will need at least six months of classes to be able to judge whether or not this is the dance for you. #tango is a lifelong journey of discovery.
The effect that #argentinetango has on patients with #parkinsonsdisease is well known. Do you know about it? This #TEDtalk will explain.
#tangomedicine #tango #tangoargentino #tangocommunity #tangodancing #tangohealing
#tangohealing #tangodancing #tangocommunity #tangoargentino #tango #tangomedicine #tedtalk #parkinsonsdisease #argentinetango
Escaping the nasty stuff happening in this world by engaging in my passion #argentinetango dancing.
Dwelling on the reality of this world is sometimes just too much cope with. Dancing is a coping mechanism.
#tangoargentino #tangocommunity #tango #milongamagic #tangodancing #vals# balance #cortina #tangoleader #tangofollower
Very young Carlitos & Noelia:
#tangofollower #tangoleader #cortina #vals #tangodancing #milongamagic #tango #tangocommunity #tangoargentino #argentinetango
Invisible to most, yes, but when dancing #salontango we rely on feeling this biofield, this energy field to communicate with our partner.
Followers often dance #argentinetango with their eyes closed relying entirely on the Leader to design the dance in accordance to the phrases in the music - incorporating #legato and #staccato moves to express the emotion felt. ALL the emotion is felt and absorbed by the Follower.
You know you have a biofield, right?
#staccato #legato #argentinetango #salontango