Extracellular arginine availability modulates eIF2α O-GlcNAcylation and heme oxygenase 1 translation for cellular homeostasis. https://doi.org/10.1186/s12929-023-00924-4 #Arginine #OGlcnacylation #EukaryoticInitiationFactor2α #ProteinTranslation #HemeOxygenase1
#arginine #oglcnacylation #eukaryoticinitiationfactor2α #proteintranslation #hemeoxygenase1
Our preprint describes how #EffectivePopulationSize affects #AminoAcid usage. https://www.biorxiv.org/content/10.1101/2023.02.01.526552v2. Within highly exchangeable pairs of amino acids, high Ne species are able to prefer #arginine over #lysine, and #valine over #isoleucine. This matches #thermophile preferences, as expected from theories of marginal protein stability at mutation-selection-drift balance. 1/6
@hanonmcshea #NearlyNeutralTheory #MolecularEvolution #EvolgenPaper
#effectivepopulationsize #aminoAcid #arginine #lysine #valine #isoleucine #thermophile #nearlyneutraltheory #MolecularEvolution #evolgenpaper
@lucas_nivon It is great to read about practical experience using #protein design software. Amateurish question: Is it really always safer to stay close to natural proteins? Isn't there danger of #toxicity happening exactly because of similarity, like with #canavanine mistaken for #arginine or arsenic mistaken for phosphorus? Or this "similarity toxicity" happens only with small molecules which tend to be the "objects" of reactions rather than enzymes?
#protein #toxicity #canavanine #arginine
Arginine for Brain Health
“Brain cancer, especially the most prevalent form known as glioblastoma, can be devastating, with a dismal prognosis (medically speaking) for this particular tumor.
— Dr. Kevin Conners
It is extremely important to address brain health as a preventative measure to protect the brain cells from becoming inflamed or tumors from growing.
Many, if not most, people have some form of brain inflammation. Symptoms of an inflamed brain largely range, causing everything from brain fog, anxiety, depression, & serious disorders.
Learn more about the powers of arginine & how to support the brain by going to ConnersClinic.com/Blog OR click on the link in the bio for more!
#ConnersClinic #nutritiontip #holisticmedicine #alternativecancertreatments #arginine #brainhealth
#brainhealth #arginine #alternativecancertreatments #holisticmedicine #nutritiontip #ConnersClinic
There is an interesting approach by an Italian team for the treatment of Long Covid. They use a combination of L-Arginine and Vitamin C.
One study was already published:
Another will be soon, see this report:
In a German news it says this might also be useful at the stage of acute infection (in German, right at the end):
#covid #arginine #PostCovid #LongCovid #treatment
L-#arginine homeostasis governs adult #neural #stemcell activation by modulating energy metabolism in vivo
Article/study fails to mention lysine here and that the herpes virus feeds off of arginine, also, so...
"Cancer cells are starving without this protein - study"
https://www.jpost.com/science/article-730638 #aminoacids #lysine #arginine
Arginine for Brain Health
“Brain cancer, especially the most prevalent form known as glioblastoma, can be devastating, with a dismal prognosis (medically speaking) for this particular tumor.
Many cancers develop and progress due to a decreased immune function, allowing single cancer cells to reproduce and metastasize to different organs in the body.”
— Dr. Kevin Conners
It is extremely important to address brain health as a preventative measure to protect the brain cells from becoming inflamed or tumors from growing.
Many, if not most, people have some form of brain inflammation
Learn more about the powers of arginine & how to support the brain by going to ConnersClinic.com/Blog OR click on the link in the bio for more!
#ConnersClinic #nutritiontip #holisticmedicine #alternativecancertreatments #arginine #brainhealth
#brainhealth #arginine #alternativecancertreatments #holisticmedicine #nutritiontip #ConnersClinic