Puzzle ITC · @puzzle_itc
31 followers · 45 posts · Server mstdn.social

🔒 Passwortsicherheit ist entscheidend für Entwicklerinnen & Systemadministratorinnen. OpenLDAP bietet zwar MD5 & SHA1, aber diese sind unsicher. Erfahre im neuesten Blogpost, wie du OpenLDAP mit dem sicheren argon2-Algorithmus kompilierst und als Standard festlegst.


#cybersicherheit #argon2 #openldap #passwortsicherheit

Last updated 1 year ago

Leonard/Janis Robert König · @ljrk
443 followers · 16626 posts · Server todon.eu

High @sc00bz and @epixoip, I recently came across your recommendations not to (blindly) use as a (but it's a good ) due to this requiring runtimes that make it (usually) inapplicable for password hashing. Or, phrased differently, would require lowering security parameters in order to stay performant, that the security of the hashing would be compromised.

The article on Wikipedia put forth a similar claim but without any citations and phrased a bit misleading (IMO). I've adjusted the article and added two citations. If you have time, I'd be glad if you could give some feedback on this, as there are only few citable sources on this and I'm by far no expert on the matter:


Thank you!

#argon2 #phf #kdf #bcrypt

Last updated 1 year ago

Do anyone can tell me if this rencryption (digest) of cryptsetup is facutally secure to bruteforce attack and acttually don't take 4 year to open the device (modern cpu Ryzen 2700X) ?

cryptsetup luksChangeKey --pbkdf argon2id --hash sha512 --iter-time X --pbkdf-memory Y --pbkdf-parallel Z <device>

cryptsetup-reencrypt --pbkdf=argon2id --hash=sha512 --iter-time=X2 --pbkdf-memory=Y2 --pbkdf-parallel=Z2 <device>

I search a proper X X2 Y Y2 Z and Z2, knowing the cpu are from Ryzen 5 3XXXH, and Intel Gen 11 (laptop)

I ask because i know these settings for pbkdf2 but not for argon2id.

#security #encryption #argon2 #argon2id

Last updated 1 year ago

Christian Pietsch 🍑 · @chpietsch
3659 followers · 12076 posts · Server digitalcourage.social


Thank you for sounding the alert!

I identified a minor issue with your otherwise nice explanation: According to my sources (man cryptsetup, ), all varieties are memory-hard. RFC 9106 is even titled “Argon2 Memory-Hard Function for Password Hashing and Proof-of-Work Applications”.

However, given that there are known attacks against , it seems wise to use instead. It is also what is recommended in the RFC.

As a user, I just checked the state of affairs there:

The cryptsetup that comes with QubesOS 3.x used , and those who did an in-place upgrade to 4.x still have that unless they converted to manually (as detailed in the migration guide).

The cryptsetup in QubesOS 4.x uses , but it still defaults to unfortunately.

#luks2 #luks1 #qubesos #Argon2id #argon2i #argon2 #rfc9106

Last updated 1 year ago

Aaron Toponce ⚛️:debian: · @atoponce
1949 followers · 3923 posts · Server fosstodon.org
Misuse Case · @MisuseCase
64 followers · 637 posts · Server twit.social

Yay now offers the KDF algorithm in addition to the standard PBKDF algorithm. After hearing @leo and Steve Gibson talk about it on , I’m switching over. Not messing with the other KDF settings.

#bitwarden #argon2 #securitynow

Last updated 1 year ago

Hélder Ferreira · @hferreira
0 followers · 51 posts · Server masto.pt

O Bitwarden está a um passo de finalizar a implementação do KDF, Argon2.
Foram englobados no código os últimos dois Pull-requests.

#bitwarden #kdf #algorithm #security #argon2 #opensource

Last updated 2 years ago

Lucas Santos · @lsantosdev
13 followers · 45 posts · Server bolha.us

Pra você ver como o mundo é pequeno, há alguns meses eu precisei implementar o como algoritmo de hash de senhas por uma sugestão do @roziscoding, ai cheguei na Suécia e descobri que o cara que joga Tibia comigo é o que implementou a lib 🤯 github.com/ranisalt/node-argon


Last updated 2 years ago

Soso · @sgued
41 followers · 146 posts · Server pouet.chapril.org

It would be great if breach was enough motivation to get standardized in the Web Cryptography APIs.
Otherwise web extensions are forced to rely on or use the much less secure

#pbkdf2 #wasm #argon2 #lastpass

Last updated 2 years ago

Stéphane Bortzmeyer · @bortzmeyer
6696 followers · 75526 posts · Server mastodon.gougere.fr

RFC 9106: Argon2 Memory-Hard Function for Password Hashing and Proof-of-Work Applications

Il y a des cas où on va tenter de réduire délibérement l'efficacité d'un programme informatique. Ainsi, , spécifié dans ce est volontairement très consommatrice de mémoire et d'accès à cette mémoire. Cette fonction peut être utilisée pour condenser des mots de passe, ou pour des sytèmes à preuve de travail.


#argon2 #rfc

Last updated 3 years ago

Grégory PAUL · @paulgreg
130 followers · 1646 posts · Server framapiaf.org

New release of UniquePasswordBuilder with argon2 & PWA support paulgreg.me/UniquePasswordBuil Thanks @pmiossec for that contribution and many others. Addon update should follow.

#passwordmanager #argon2 #pwa

Last updated 7 years ago