People with relevant experience, potential opinions, and/or followers therewith: @rrrichardzach, @UlrikeHahn, @consequently, @colin, @RanaldClouston, @CubeRootOfTrue, @Inquiry
Relevant topics: #CriticalThinking #edu #higherEd #teaching #learning #research #preregistration #writing #argumentMapping #visualization
#criticalthinking #edu #highered #teaching #learning #research #PreRegistration #writing #argumentmapping #visualization
Should instructors enable students to use #generativeAI on assignments?
Today I’m facilitating a collaborative workshop on #AI in #edu at
Stevens Institute of Technology.
After I introduce argument mapping and browser-based chatbots, we'll map supporting arguments, objections, and counter-objections—with help from #LLMs, perhaps.
Example map:
#logic #criticalThinking #argumentMapping #edu #higherEd #writing #teamWork #collaboration
#generativeai #ai #edu #LLMs #logic #criticalthinking #argumentmapping #highered #writing #teamwork #collaboration
Given all of the above, if anyone is aware of or can find #ArgumentMapping based #OpenSource #forum software with a nice interface that generates outlines rather than trees, it would be nice if you could share a link.
(boosts welcome)
#argumentmapping #opensource #forum
What kinds of interactions distinguish high- from low-performing groups (when it comes to #criticalThinking)?
56 #students were split into groups of 4 to do some #argumentMapping.
Video content analysis found the top 27% of groups
- interrupted less
- had more positive, fewer negative interactions
- joked, laughed, and smiled more (sometimes to diffuse potential conflict)
than the bottom 27% of groups.
(N = 56, 14 groups of 4)
#criticalthinking #students #argumentmapping #IOPsych #decisionscience #teaching
This #flowchart-inspired poster was probably the best design I saw at the #APA2022 last night.
"Should you be a sex eliminitavist?"
We use argument visualizations in teaching and research; it can improve persuasive ability ( and even depolarize people's views of arguments about polarizing policies about immigration, etc. (Cullen, Byrd, Oppenheimer, et. al., in prep.)
(Shared with permission.)
#flowchart #apa2022 #argumentmapping #logic #visualization #graphicdesign