WAW - hwb mawr i #annibyniaeth!
Yn ôl @melindrafod gallai Cymru annibynnol fforddio buddsoddi £3 biliwn ychwanegol y flwyddyn mewn gwasanaethau cyhoeddus:
“Indeed, Christians are only able to fully appreciate the writings and references in the New Testament – to the extent that we’re familiar with the Hebrew scriptures.”
#Christian #theology #hermeneutics #Arian #philosophy #Neoplatonism
#christian #theology #hermeneutics #arian #philosophy #Neoplatonism
@Kencf618033 Yes, it took the need for a reaction by the mainstream working out what it isn't ( #Arian #Gnostic ), for this tradition to clarify what it is ( #NiceneCreed #trinitarian ), in suitably succinct form. And there's much more to early Christian history than that. An important aspect concerns how the #NewTestament books were verified as canonical by the early Church fathers.
#newtestament #trinitarian #nicenecreed #gnostic #arian