How's the scent strength on Tobacco Road? Half the #ArianaAndEvans scents I've tried are so strongly scented that they light up my face like a Christmas tree
Razor: #Schick Hydro-Magic
Blade: Personna
Brush: #Zenith r/Wetshaving exclusive #MoarBoar
Lather:#StirlingSoapCo Pharaoh's Dreamsicle
Post: #ArianaAndEvans L'Orange Verte
Frag: #StirlingSoapCo Island Man
Following in @merikus' footsteps with a #MoarBoar + #StirlingSoapCo + Hydro-Magic shave.
I don't know the original Creed Virgin Island Water, but I like IM, and A&E's St Barts (until it burned my face)
#schick #zenith #moarboar #stirlingsoapco #arianaandevans #wetshaving #injectorrazor #sotd #shaveoftheday
@walton I picked up a bunch of #ArianaAndEvans samples in a previous order but I've yet to try them. PAA has... a controversial history. I'll probably give them a miss.
Most of my inventory is #BarristerAndMann (who make the majority of my absolute favourite scents) and #HouseOfMammoth (who round out most of the rest of my top 10). #ZingariMan also has some really good stuff. I particularly like Navigator and Socialite, especially in summer.
#zingariman #houseofmammoth #barristerandmann #arianaandevans