"Acto de Estado, História Fotográfica da Ocupação dos Territórios Palestinos" de Ariella Aïsha Azoulay, no Arquivo Fotográfico, situado na rua da Palma, 246.
26.11.2020 - 9.1.2021
ℹ️ http://arquivomunicipal.cm-lisboa.pt/.../acto-de-estado/
#arquivomunicipaldelisboa #fotográfico #exposição #exhibition #photography #actodeestado #ariellaaishaazoulay #uncommonground
Câmara Municipal de Lisboa Agenda Cultural de Lisboa Direção-Geral das Artes P.OR.K - Marlene Monteiro Freitas Production Projecto Ymago
#arquivomunicipaldelisboa #fotografico #exposicao #exhibition #photography #actodeestado #ariellaaishaazoulay #uncommonground
ah, wish I could go to this! NYC folks:
Ariella Aïsha Azoulay -- the world like a jewel in the hand. conversation + film screening.
The New School, Nov 30 8pm.
"Ariella Aïsha Azoulay’s new film, the world like a jewel in the hand–unlearning imperial plunder ii (2022), focuses on the destruction of the Jewish Muslim world that existed in North Africa. The film insists on making it imaginable and inhabitable again."
#ariellaaishaazoulay #unlearningimperialplunder