Passage Ariss dans le sud de la métropole prévu le vendredi 25 Août 2023 à partir de 11h11 (heure de Paris UTC+2)
An #ARISS contact audible in Europe is scheduled for Friday, August 25 at around 11:12 CEST (09:12 UTC). The italian station IK1SLD will relay the link between astronaut Warren Hoburg aboard the ISS and Australian Air League participants in Salisbury, Australia.
Sometime, it's nice occupation to listening at the ARISS station.
An #ARISS contact audible in Europe is scheduled for Friday, July 21 at around 19:56 CEST (17:56 UTC). The Italian station IK1SLD will relay the link between astronaut Sultan Al Neyadi aboard the ISS and the participants of Camp William B. Snyder in Haymarket, Virginia, USA.
An #ARISS event with #Axiom2's John Shoffner: - includes nice videos about the technical aspects of #HamRadio comms with the #ISS. Other events with the Axiom crew (via satellite with video): and and And mission updates: and
An audible #ARISS contact in Europe and North Africa is planned this Friday, May 19 at around 20:20 CEST (18:20 UTC). The Italian relay station IK1SLD will provide the link between astronaut Warren Hoburg aboard the ISS and Webb Bridge middle school in Alpharetta (Georgia, USA).
#ARISS telebridge Contact via Amateur Radio allowing students at the Collège Saint-Anatoile, located in France, to ask their questions of Astronaut Steve Bowen, amateur radio call sign KI5BKB, aboard the International Space Station (ISS). The ARISS amateur radio ground station (telebridge station) for this contact was in Aartselaar, Belgium.
The ARISS radio contact was scheduled for April 7, 2023 at 4:27 pm CEST (France) (14:27:26 UTC).
Question: Is it hard to walk when you come back on Earth?
🛰️ Un prochain contact #ARISS audible en Europe est planifié la semaine prochaine, le vendredi 7 avril vers 16h27 CEST (14:27 UTC). La station relai belge ON4ISS assurera la liaison entre le collège St Anatoile de Salins-les-Bains (France) et l'astronaute Steve Bowen.
Schau dir "23-03-2023 ISS School Contact -- with ISS visible 🎉 🎉 🎉 .:°:. A let's listening and watching a round" auf YouTube an