In Situ is my effort (with several friends) to translate and publish #coop-related books that aren't available in English (or Portuguese, our other working language so far). We've put out a book on the #BAUEN Hotel, and are now working on a large book about Jose Maria Arizimendiarrieta, better known as #Arizmendi, the spiritual founder of the #Mondragon #cooperatives. To read more, and to watch in real time as I iron out the wrinkles, follow
#coop #bauen #arizmendi #mondragon #cooperatives
Hello community! Migrated over her using #debirdify so wanted to offer an #introduction: I'm a creative team lead at Netflix and lifelong musician, living Oakland District 3 (proudly represented by Carroll Fife). I love #cycling, #urbanplanning, #abelton, and #arizmendi. Former #lonelyplanet author covering Central America and #California. I live in a multilingual, multigenerational Cantonese speaking household. I love Oakland. Let's make the internet a better place.
#Debirdify #introduction #cycling #urbanplanning #abelton #arizmendi #lonelyplanet #california
We're back at Arizmendi Ninth Ave. for a chat with worker/owners Lizzy and Aeri.
* What it means to work at a bakery co-op
* Personal stories and how they ended up at Arizmendi
* Circus arts!
Check out our talk at the link in our bio or your favorite #podcast app.
Photos by Jeff Hunt
#bakeries #coops #cooperativebusinesses #arizmendi #InnerSunset #NinthAvenueSF #SanFrancisco #storytelling #SoundsofTheCity
#podcast #Bakeries #coops #cooperativebusinesses #arizmendi #InnerSunset #ninthavenuesf #sanfrancisco #storytelling #soundsofthecity
Photography by Michelle Kilfeather
#bakeries #coops #cooperativebusinesses #arizmendi #InnerSunset #cheeseboardpizza #Berkeley #NinthAvenueSF #SanFrancisco #storytelling #SoundsofTheCity
#Bakeries #coops #cooperativebusinesses #arizmendi #InnerSunset #cheeseboardpizza #berkeley #ninthavenuesf #sanfrancisco #storytelling #soundsofthecity
Ideally, affiliated spaces could offer their own spin on the menu.
For example, there is a #NoBAWC Member Discount for #Arizmendi pizza!
Members placing orders through the NoBAWC space could have that discount automatically applied.
Imagine what the digital age could be if we worked together to meet the needs of our neighbors in a way that feeds us all, rather than merely building wealth for the few.
#solidarityeconomy #mutualaid #mutualbenefit #cooperative #arizmendi #NOBAWC
I'm really hoping that we can figure out a way to make the #Convene Marketplace furniture federated.
For exampke, a restaurant using Convene for taking orders can also list thei menu through affiliated spaces.
A real life example could be #Arizmendi Lakeshore sells pizza on their own Space, the #NoBAWC Space and the #Piikup Space.
Arizmendi Lakeshore manages their menu and inventory via their Space and fans out regardess of which Neighborhood is hosting the #Piikup or #NoBAWC Spaces.
#Piikup #NOBAWC #arizmendi #Convene
I'm spending my Friday evening solving the last problems with my self-publishing site. It contains my translation of the book on the #bauen hotel and my translation of the book on #Arizmendiarieta (#Arizmendi). Neither is finished, or even close, but the thought that a few people might check them out is self-motivation to keep working.
#bauen #arizmendiarieta #arizmendi
@tbeckett @kavbojka @Matt_Noyes General announcement: anyone who would like a PDF of the intro and first two chapters of The Cooperative Man, please send an email to It's 169 pages in letter size, with A4 also available. I may also have an epub copy somewhere. #arizmendiarrieta #arizmendi #mondragon
#arizmendiarrieta #arizmendi #mondragon