Matt Noyes · @Matt_Noyes
549 followers · 8952 posts · Server

Seven years ago, an event in Tokyo on the life and work of Jose María . Pictured are Ishizuka Hideo, the foremost scholar in Japan and translator of Azurmendi´s books, and three young researchers: Saito Shingo, Ishizawa Kayako, and Kumakura Yurie.

#arizmendiarrieta #mondragon

Last updated 2 years ago

Xabi Otegi Amundarain · @txapisotegi
261 followers · 252 posts · Server

Etxe horretan norbait semea politizatzen ibili dela iruditzen zait. cc-cp @naroaelortza

#arizmendiarrieta #Sozialismoa #ese #Joanesgintza

Last updated 2 years ago

Matt Noyes · @Matt_Noyes
508 followers · 8569 posts · Server

Late notice, I realize, but if you are free tomorrow and interested in Jose Maria Arizmendiarrieta's life and work:

#arizmendiarrieta #mondragón

Last updated 3 years ago

Matt Noyes · @Matt_Noyes
508 followers · 8571 posts · Server

"Socialize know-how to democratize power" as said.

Simple example: a researcher wants to interview a cooperative group. The contact person there asks the group to select two people to be interviewed together, as an opportunity for peer learning. The people are regular members, chosen by rotation, so many people get the chance to learn and to speak for the organization.


Last updated 4 years ago

Matt Noyes · @Matt_Noyes
508 followers · 8571 posts · Server

El cooperativismo no persigue cambiar de manos la propiedad o gestión de la empresa, sino su naturaleza y función social.


Last updated 4 years ago

Matt Noyes · @Matt_Noyes
508 followers · 8571 posts · Server

Finished Peter Salmon's biography of Jacques . Writing the biography of a philosopher is a huge task, if you really get into the philosophy itself. (Azurmendi's intellectual biography of does this.) The other way is to write what is basically a well-informed, expanded Wikipedia entry that describes the philosophy but leaves it out, like music in the biography of a musician. (Robin Kelley's bio of is better in this regard.) Upshot: good but superficial book.

#monk #arizmendiarrieta #derrida

Last updated 4 years ago

Matt Noyes · @Matt_Noyes
508 followers · 8571 posts · Server

"...our task today is the establishment of a new social order, [so] cooperativists and cooperatives must center their attention on that which most deeply and effectively contributes to that task. Social progress is not accomplished by saturating people with consumer goods, but by providing them goods which serve production, or better, serve for reproduction..."

#cooperativism #arizmendiarrieta

Last updated 6 years ago

Matt Noyes · @Matt_Noyes
508 followers · 8571 posts · Server

"We find ourselves in a stage of history in which technical progress has prodigiously multiplied human productivity. We now have available to us the means to fully satisfy our aspirations. If those aspirations remain unsatisfied for the immense majority, it is not for lack of means, but due to a defective social organization that no longer corresponds to the level of the technical means in our possession."

#arizmendiarrieta #longtimegone

Last updated 6 years ago

Matt Noyes · @Matt_Noyes
508 followers · 8571 posts · Server

[Arizmendiarrieta] writes elsewhere, “cooperativism requires the play and constant mobilization of spiritual values... It is clear to us that our cooperative enterprises owe much more to the generosity, loyalty, comradeship, the sense of responsibility, the capacity for sacrifice and disinterest, in a word, the spirit of the members, than to their duly accounted economic and labor contributions.”

#arizmendiarrieta #elhombrecooperativo

Last updated 6 years ago

Matt Noyes · @Matt_Noyes
508 followers · 8571 posts · Server

" Cooperation must serve us as an escape not just from the multitudinous contest, but also from tiny structures or smallholdings of activity that inherently impede the optimal results of human effort."


Last updated 7 years ago

Steve Herrick · @Steve
162 followers · 998 posts · Server

@tbeckett @kavbojka @Matt_Noyes General announcement: anyone who would like a PDF of the intro and first two chapters of The Cooperative Man, please send an email to It's 169 pages in letter size, with A4 also available. I may also have an epub copy somewhere.

#arizmendiarrieta #arizmendi #mondragon

Last updated 7 years ago

Matt Noyes · @Matt_Noyes
508 followers · 8571 posts · Server

To pose equality as a goal is to hand it over to the pedagogues of progress, who widen endlessly the distance they promise that they will abolish. Equality is a presupposition, an initial axiom -- or it is nothing.

— Jacques Rancière, The Philosopher and his Poor

#arizmendiarrieta #education

Last updated 7 years ago

Matt Noyes · @Matt_Noyes
508 followers · 8571 posts · Server

2) The emancipation of a class or a people must begin with a more or less massive process of development of the capacity of its members. There is no improving the fate of the masses without the masses themselves.

Other structures of work, other systems of organization, without risks of abuse or more or less concealed tyrannies, are inconceivable if each of us, the members comprising the community, is not better prepared to attend to a multitude of complex problems.
EHC p240


Last updated 7 years ago

Matt Noyes · @Matt_Noyes
508 followers · 8571 posts · Server

1) "To know is to be able to do and in order to democratize power we must first socialize knowledge. We accomplish nothing by proclaiming the rights of people if they turn out to be incapable of running their own lives, if in order to act they have no alternative but to rely on an indispensable few."
EHC p240


Last updated 7 years ago

Matt Noyes · @Matt_Noyes
508 followers · 8571 posts · Server

@tbeckett @kavbojka

The best source is Joxe Azurmendi's El Hombre Cooperativo, but the English translation, being done by our own @Steve is not completed. (Funds are needed to support the work - 868 pages!) The Spanish version is online for free here:

Another good book is Fernando Molina's biography, available here (Spanish)

It is hard to isolate this point which runs through his thought.


Last updated 7 years ago

Matt Noyes · @Matt_Noyes
508 followers · 8571 posts · Server

@ZaneSelvans Great book. One of my favorite books on coops is being translated by @Steve : El Hombre Cooperativo by Joxe Azurmendi.

#arizmendiarrieta #mondragon

Last updated 7 years ago