It took over a year and a bit of save scumming, but @yamstersam and I fought our way through our first full #ArkhamHorror campaign and our heroes made it out mostly unscathed.
That game really makes you work hard to get the win. So it's very satisfying when you do.
#ArkhamHorror bling - literally chopped up a cardboard biscuit box to make the arrows! #boardgames đ
The InnsMouth Look deck in FFGâs #ArkhamHorror is my nominee for worst implementation of Go Fish.
New board game I tried this week:
Arkham Horror (3rd edition) - Collect clues and fight monsters to prevent some bad eldritch thing from happening. I've played previous editions of this which take forever to play. This felt way more streamlined and perhaps easier. I liked the focus action letting you buff a stat of your choice. I would play it again.
#boardgames #gaming #arkhamhorror
#ArkhamHorror, before and after:
That's all the investigator cards from the revised core set, all of the investigator expansions released so far, and the ones from Return to the Circle Undone organised into folders!
I organised them by class (the different folder colours) and then divided it into cards by level, and within each level divided it by expansion. #boardgames
Finished the Murder at the Excelsior Hotel scenario for the #ArkhamHorror LCG! It's a fun one, though a bit fiddly with the setup. I was playing as Jacqueline Fine (clairvoyant!) and barely managed to finish in one piece though she's a bit damaged by the experience! (let's not mention the dead police officer in the basement...) #boardgames
@ralfchr @BlasterKeaton Ich wollte schon fragen, ob es sich von #arkhamhorror unterscheidet. Ich möchte es gerne mögen, aber #LCG sind wohl nicht meines. Zumindest nicht #arkhamhirrir. âčïž
#arkhamhorror #lcg #arkhamhirrir
I barely survived the part 1 ("The Gathering") of the Night of the Zealot scenario in #ArkhamHorror! I thought I'd failed it but then I remembered I had a Dodge card in my hand that I could use and that saved the day for me! I was just playing solo with a single Investigator (Roland) on Normal difficulty which was still pretty challenging - but it was fun! Will probably attempt Part 2 on Friday or the weekend. #boardgames
#YSK In the German version of #ArkhamHorror, the word used for "Corruption" is "Verderbnis" which's meaning is closer to spoilage.
Playing the #game in #German raises the gore level I guess.
#ysk #arkhamhorror #game #german
Bit of an impulse buy, though the game has been rattling around my head for a while... I was very restrained this time and just bought the base set! :P #arkhamhorror #boardgames #lovecraft #iaiacthulhufhtagn
#arkhamhorror #boardgames #lovecraft #iaiacthulhufhtagn
Oh this is promissing!
#arkhamHorror #roleplay #helper #tools #cheatsheet #reference
#arkhamhorror #roleplay #helper #tools #cheatsheet #reference
Hello folks, time to jump on the #introduction thing. I'm a robotics engineer in Massachusetts, been in the industry for six-ish years.
Been playing lots of #arkhamhorror and I highly recommend it to anyone who likes board games and TTRPGs. Been into #40k for the last fifteen years, trying to now get into #KillTeam, #boltaction and #gunpla
Just finished #gwitch and looking forward to the next season of #anime, open to recommendations. Started #leverage and out of lettersnow
#introduction #arkhamhorror #40k #killteam #boltaction #gunpla #GWitch #anime #leverage
Hoy no me pude resistir a la portada de este libro, seguramente sea literatura mediocre para explotar una IP de juegos de mesa pero...Arkham y una portada tan pulpo en el mismo libro? AllĂĄ voy #arkhamhorror #pulp #novela
Playing a new game with @amazonian.kryomech. Arkham Horror: The Card Game.
#arkhamhorror #arkham #horror #fantasyflight
Câest ainsi que notre petite Ă©quipe, maintenant trĂšs soudĂ©e, se sĂ©para. Chacun repartit vers son destin, avec en tĂȘte les horreurs et les Ă©vĂ©nements passĂ©s bien prĂ©sents Ă lâesprit.
MĂȘme si tout cela sâoubliait petit Ă petit, les cauchemars eux, persistaient.
(12/12) #j2s #arkhamhorror
Mon dos Ă©tait humide et un vent caressait mon visage. Jâouvrais les yeux pour y voir un ciel Ă©toilĂ©. En regardant autour de moi, je vis mes camarades Ă©merger Ă©galement de leur torpeur.
Nous étions au sommet du Pic, mais toute trace du rituel ou des créatures avait disparu. Les habitants étaient là , à nous dévisager.
« Que sâest-il passĂ© ? » lâun dâeux demanda. Aucun de nous ne pu lui rĂ©pondre, car comment expliquer lâinexplicable ?
(11/12) #j2s #arkhamhorror
Nous avancions dans le noir, qui laissa place Ă un chemin familier. Nous Ă©tions toujours dans lâautre rĂ©alitĂ© mais jâavais lâimpression dâĂȘtre dĂ©jĂ passĂ©e par lĂ . En continuant, les contours changeaient, les couleurs ainsi que les odeurs.
Nous poussions des portes, traversions des salles couvertes dâherbe, de bois ou de metal. Cela semblait sans fin.
Comme un seul homme, nous nous effondrĂąmes sur le sol et tout sâarrĂȘta.
(10/12) #j2s #arkhamhorror
Je commençais Ă dĂ©sespĂ©rer quand jâentendis mes camarades murmurer des paroles en latin, dâabord hĂ©sitantes puis avec plus dâaplomb. Quelle ne fut pas ma surprise quand je mâaperçus que je marmonnais cette litanie Ă©galement.
LâĂ©cho se fit de plus en plus fort jusquâĂ atteindre son paroxysme.. et plus rien. La faille Ă©tait rebouchĂ©e.
Nous avions rĂ©ussi mais allions mourrir ici. Je nâaurais jamais retrouvĂ© ma sĆur et jâeus un pincement au cĆur.
(9/12) #j2s #arkhamhorror
Mes acolytes Ă©taient regroupĂ©s autour dâune minuscule fissure lumineuse (câest pour cela quâon la remarquait dâailleurs) par laquelle Stella semblait apercevoir le Pic de la Sentinelle. Nous Ă©tions au bon endroit, et ce minuscule interstice Ă©tait la faille Ă boucher. Mais comment ? Je nâavais pas de chewing-gum !
Ă tĂątons, tous cherchions des indices, des Ă©critures ou nâimporte quoi pouvant indiquer une marche Ă suivre.
(8/12) #j2s #arkhamhorror