In other personal #BoardGame news, we wrapped up our #ArkhamHorrorTheCardGame Dunwich Legacy campaign this past Saturday.
1st try for the scenario, we just got stomped.
2nd try, just as it seemed we could win, our Zoey Samaras fell. And the moment after we unlocked the final area, Yog-Sothoth appeared.
Jim Culver tanked a hit; then failed to evade the other creatures. HARVEY WALTERS escaped through the tear.
Two steps from the exit, Yog-Sothoth hit the entire board and I (Jenny Barnes) died.
#arkhamhorrorthecardgame #boardgame
While the final session of our #ArkhamHorrorTheCardGame campaign (The Dunwich Legacy) keeps getting delayed due to illness, and we already have an expansion waiting for #TheElderSign, I suddenly felt like we could use a physical copy of #TicketToRide a while back and ordered that from our local game store.
Specifically TTR Europe and the Japan + Italy expansion.
Immediately afterwards, #Nemesis started tempting me, but it'll have to wait a few months there.
#boardgames #arkhamhorror #nemesis #tickettoride #theeldersign #arkhamhorrorthecardgame
Updating Boardgamegeek with our Arkham Card Game collection. Time to fill in some holes.
#boardgames #arkhamhorror #arkhamhorrorthecardgame
I also started playing #ArkhamHorrorthecardgame recently, with the revised core set. It’s intriguing but I’m not quite sold on expansions. #boardgames
#arkhamhorrorthecardgame #boardgames
#7BoardGames Seven #BoardGames to get to know me.
1. #ChaosInTheOldWorld
2. #RaceForTheGalaxy
3. #AndeanAbyss
4. #ArkhamHorrorTheCardGame
5. #CosmicEncounter
6. #BattlestarGalactica
7. #BrassBirmingham
#7boardgames #boardgames #chaosintheoldworld #raceforthegalaxy #andeanabyss #arkhamhorrorthecardgame #cosmicencounter #battlestargalactica #brassbirmingham