#videogames #ArkhamKnight
Cloudburst on knightmare was… a nightmare. So I decided ef this and started all over again on a slightly easier difficulty. And I get to actually do all of Eddie’s riddles now, as New Game+ means you keep all the gadgets and Riddler trophies from the earlier run.
#videogames #ArkhamKnight #voiceactors
I like to see who have given their voices to characters and I can recognise a lot of them nowadays. But Professor Pyg didn’t sound too familiar.
I was surprised. That’s Dwight Schultz. Also known as Lt. ”Broccoli” Barclay in ST:TNG.
I also didn’t know he was Bodahn Feddic in Dragon Age. But I did know he was Pressley in Mass Effect.
#videogames #arkhamknight #voiceactors
#videogames #ArkhamKnight
Professor Pyg was one of the ones who I was most worried about dealing with in knightmare mode.
But his boss fight only took me three tries. So it wasn’t that bad.
#videogames #ArkhamKnight
Okay, now I’m seeing the knightmare mode. This first airship fight took me four tries to beat. I can do it, I usually just mash X, Y and LT. But now you have to listen carefully to autocues for when one of them’s gonna charge at you. LT for quick batarang to defeat the charger immediately from afar.
I’m not that far with this New Game+ yeat, but I am a bit surprised how… not as difficult it has been so far than I initially expected. You get used to not having the counter indicator during fights and I guess my handling of the Batmobile has just become so ingrained that I don’t even have to think what I’m doing in the drone fights.
So, so far so good!
Gerade spiele ich #ArkhamKnight auf der #PS4 und bin gespalten: Einerseits hat eigentlich alles, was ich mag, andererseits spielt es sich irgendwie anstrengend. Kann den Finger nicht genau darauf legen, aber die Steuerung spielt sicher mit rein, weil sie viel weniger geschmeidig funktioniert als in vergleichbaren Spielen, bspw #assassinscreed .
#arkhamknight #ps4 #assassinscreed
Lol im moving so slow im probably going to end up posting every frame until im done arent i
but seriously i only made 4 frames and im already not moving forward lol
#batjokes #batman #joker #arkhamknight
"Rated G For Gender 2" is a digital #fanzine raising money for Little Petal Alliance, a Texas-based organization that supports #trans people across the USA, with a priority focus on Black and Indigenous folks.
You can get the zine NOW for #TransDayofVisibility !
You'll get content from the following fandoms:
-Assassin's Creed/Protocreed
-Batman: Arkham Knight
-Hyper Light Drifter
-Legend of Zelda: Ocarina of Time
-Slay the Spire
-Subnautica: Below Zero
#transgender #nonbinary #assassinscreed #cuphead #subnauticabelowzero #protocreed #lozoot #slaythespire #arkhamknight #snipperclips #hyperlightdrifter #genderfluid
#fanzine #trans #transdayofvisibility #transgender #nonbinary #assassinscreed #cuphead #subnauticabelowzero #protocreed #lozoot #slaythespire #arkhamknight #snipperclips #hyperlightdrifter #genderfluid
Rated G For Gender 2 is a digital #fanzine raising money for Little Petal Alliance, a Texas-based organization that supports #trans people across the USA.
Preorders are now open, and the zine will be available on #TransDayofVisibility (March 31)!
Expect content from the following fandoms:
-Assassin's Creed/Protocreed
-Batman: Arkham Knight
-Hyper Light Drifter
-Legend of Zelda: Ocarina of Time
-Slay the Spire
-Subnautica: Below Zero
#transgender #nonbinary #assassinscreed #cuphead#subnauticabelowzero #protocreed #lozoot #slaythespire #arkhamknight #snipperclips#howdoitaglol #hyperlightdrifter
#fanzine #trans #transdayofvisibility #transgender #nonbinary #assassinscreed #cuphead #protocreed #lozoot #slaythespire #arkhamknight #snipperclips #hyperlightdrifter
🎮 | Completado #Batman #ArkhamKnight que pone fin a la trilogía del Caballero Oscuro de forma digna.
Aunque para ver el verdadero final hay que completar el juego al 100% y es demasiado tedioso (trofeos Riddler).
Vamos, que me ha gustado mucho.
Kotaku: 15 Minutes of Suicide Squad Gameplay Just Dropped https://kotaku.com/suicide-squad-gameplay-trailer-battle-pass-wonder-woman-1850152119 #gaming #tech #kotaku #actionadventuregames #fictionalcharacters #batman3aarkham #suicidesquad #arkhamknight #amandawaller #harleyquinn #kryptonians #boomerang #lexluthor #nintendo #deadshot #brainiac #fiction #shark
#Gaming #Tech #kotaku #actionadventuregames #fictionalcharacters #batman3aarkham #suicidesquad #arkhamknight #amandawaller #harleyquinn #kryptonians #BOOMERANG #lexluthor #nintendo #deadshot #brainiac #fiction #shark
#HogwartsLegacy is a visual feast. Frame rate consistency notwithstanding, the detailed interior and exterior environments, moody lighting and atmosphere, slick VFX, and cinematography are super well done. #ArkhamKnight was the last game I remember leaving me with a similar impression.
I just spent 6 hours exploring the castle with only a brief detour to Hogsmesde, and am having a blast without even venturing out into the bigger open world.
Kotaku: Suicide Squad Leak Has Fans Worried About Its Online Features https://kotaku.com/suicide-squad-battle-pass-live-service-online-leak-1849995339 #gaming #tech #kotaku #batman3athetelltaleseries #englishlanguagefilms #fictionalcharacters #batman3aarkham #supervillains #suicidesquad #arkhamasylum #arkhamknight #harleyquinn #rocksteadys #warnerbros #gothamcity #boomerang #deadshot #fiction #shark
#Gaming #Tech #kotaku #batman3athetelltaleseries #englishlanguagefilms #fictionalcharacters #batman3aarkham #supervillains #suicidesquad #arkhamasylum #arkhamknight #harleyquinn #rocksteadys #warnerbros #gothamcity #BOOMERANG #deadshot #fiction #shark
Which city feels more alive?
#batman #arkhamknight #arkham #arkhamcity #gamingonlinux
#batman #arkhamknight #arkham #arkhamcity #gamingonlinux
i wonder what goes on in bruce's mind whenever joker says kinky stuff aimed at him
*arkham knight releases*
#batjokes #batman #joker #arkhamknight #batmanarkhamknight
all the previews for the new #SuicideSquad game make me sad -- seems #Rocksteady has gone full Zack Snyder and squeezed all the hope and joy out of the franchise in favor of militaristic ultraviolent edgy pubescent "humor" - yawn
just like how in #ArkhamKnight, the titular villain was a shallow whiny army-larping billionaire and Batman, the king of stealth, spent the whole game driving a tank & destroying the city he loves
#suicidesquad #rocksteady #arkhamknight