【ARK 実況プレイ】#33 だいたいなんでもできる生物をカンストさせるとシュールな絵しか取れなかった…古代兵器リニオグナタ!【Ark: Survival Evolved】 #ARK #ArkSurvival #ARK実況プレイ #ARK:SurvivalEvolved #PS4GAMES #VI #アーク #オーバーフロー #オープンワールド #カンスト #ゲーム #ゲーム実況 #ゲーム実況者 #サバイバル #サンドボックス #フィヨルド #フリート #ボス #ボス攻略 #ラスボス #リニオグナタ #実況 #実況プレイ #実況プレイ動画 #恐竜 #攻略 #最強 #育成 #育成ゲーム #解説 #面白い
#ark #arksurvival #ark実況プレイ #ps4games #vi #アーク #オーバーフロー #オープンワールド #カンスト #ゲーム #ゲーム実況 #ゲーム実況者 #サバイバル #サンドボックス #フィヨルド #フリート #ボス #ボス攻略 #ラスボス #リニオグナタ #実況 #実況プレイ #実況プレイ動画 #恐竜 #攻略 #最強 #育成 #育成ゲーム #解説 #面白い
If what's said in this video holds true,
I feel relatively confident to say that it is doubtful if Veracious Network will offer Ark Survival Ascended servers for our community.
If what's said in that video is true, Nitrado will have the exclusive to host ARK Ascended private servers, ie: we would be legally unable to host the game server on our private server hardware. I don't mind paying for software, and I also don't mind paying for hardware, of which collectively we've shelled out a fair amount.
We've paid money up front for infrastructure to run our games and services so that we can keep our monthly operating costs low; in the long-term it makes financial sense.
If a game publisher is dictating that we pay monthly to their "exclusive provider" for private server hosting, that game publisher can fuck right off with that bullshit. (Of course I'm referring to Snail.)
#ark #arksurvival #arksurvivalascended
Lets take a look at the dinosaurs in #Dinosaur with #stephenfry
I have seen claimed made by the developer of the game #ArkSurvival that this documentary has stolen assets from their game, without permission, and used them in the documentary. So lets see how many we can find from episode one.
This might be a long, or a short thread.
Here we see the Titanosaur shown in the documentary, and from the game Ark Survival. You can see not only the osteoderms but also the parterns match.
#dinosaur #stephenfry #arksurvival
It's that time for our Wednesday @survivetheark #arksurvival stream :) Let's see if we can take this dragon out this time
Owner of VN: "Let's spin up an ARK instance" ... "It'll be FUN" he said
15 minutes later "Why isn't the game starting?!?"
He just didn't wait long enough. Gotta love Wildcard.
You know what time it is 😎 @survivetheark #arksurvival
Just tamed this gorgeous R-Giga on Fjordur! 😍 🦖