Just wanted to start my new Mastodon account with a photo of me and my idol #ArleneFoster. I cherish my moments with her.
Why is #ArleneFoster stepping down as leader of the #DUP? | Arlene Foster | The Guardian
Foster is probably the biggest casualty to date of the #Brexit debacle after the fall of #TheresaMay (who actually didn’t vote for it in the referendum).
#arlenefoster #dup #brexit #theresamay #politics #uk #NprthernIreland
#SteveBell on #TheresaMay's struggle with the #DUP – #cartoon | Opinion | The Guardian
#stevebell #theresamay #dup #cartoon #uk #politics #satire #arlenefoster
#SteveBell on #TheresaMay and the #Irish #border after #Brexit – #cartoon | Opinion | The Guardian
#UK #Politics #Satire #ArleneFoster #MichelBarnier #DUP https://mastodon.org.uk/media/eHmSzqHpisxJ59uayZ8
#stevebell #theresamay #irish #border #brexit #cartoon #uk #politics #satire #arlenefoster #michelbarnier #dup
#SteveBell on #ArleneFoster and #TheresaMay – #cartoon | Opinion | The Guardian
#UK #Politics #Satire #Brexit https://mastodon.org.uk/media/FIvKKR_vrxrVa1iZWf0
#stevebell #arlenefoster #theresamay #cartoon #uk #politics #satire #brexit