@fc I got this in #ArlingtonMA as well. I'm not sure how finely they can be targeted, but I'm nowhere near that area.
@Apiary I don't know who is working on that right now, but there's a couple folks who have nudged along town adoption of composting over the years. https://www.arlingtonma.gov/departments/public-works/recycling-trash-composting/composting-in-arlington and https://www.sustainablearlington.org/57-sa-committees/committee-pages/100-composting are good starters for #Composting in #ArlingtonMA
Another great day of singing with Cousin Louis on Sunday.
Arlington Porchfest [June 18, 2023]
#musodon #arlingtonma #livemusic
Look at how beautiful these bioswales are!
Traffic calming in a residential neighborhood, growing plants, and rainwater mitigation.
Boston area folks:
My band, Cousin Louis, will be playing Arington Porchfest on June 17th at 5pm!
We play a mix of blues, roots and jazz, with originals and covers of deep cuts from our favorite artists.
You can hear a taste of our sound, and check out other bands performing around town that day, on the Arlington Porchfest page,
#boston #porchfest #arlingtonma
51 degrees. 15 m.p.h. wind. Moisture ranged from light drizzle to light rain. Still, it was a wonderful day for graduation. #ArlingtonMA
#ArlingtonMA doesn’t tolerate waste, environmental & climate damage - what a great example for other communities!
Wednesday night, #ArlingtonMA Representative Town Meeting voted 169-41-1 to request a home rule petition to repeal Ch. 439 of the Acts of 1976, prohibiting the construction of a mass transit facility within 75 yards of Arlington Catholic High School. #mapoli #mbta
Paul Revere arrives on horseback to call the colonists to arms! #arlingtonma #patriotsday
Minuteman Bikeway Rail Trail, MA • 4-star trail • 10.0 miles each way • Easy difficulty • Easy-moderate elevation • Bedford to Arlington • Northeast Massachusetts | Map & review: https://www.trailspotting.com/2023/04/minuteman-bikeway-rail-trail-ma.html | #RailsToTrails #RailTrail #Boston #Massachusetts #NewEngland #Trail #Outdoors #Cycling #RevolutionaryWar #LexingtonMA #ArlingtonMA #BedfordMA
#railtrail #BedfordMA #arlingtonma #lexingtonma #revolutionarywar #cycling #outdoors #trail #newengland #massachusetts #boston #railstotrails
Three more days to comment on the new design of Mass Ave and Appleton in #ArlingtonMA ! Please support the highest safety standards for people walking and biking at this critical and dangerous intersection. Survey open until Apr. 7th.https://www.arlingtonma.gov/Home/Components/News/News/12347/16
It’s Town Election Day in #ArlingtonMA! Polls are open now until 8pm and locations can be found at the link. Our community has many decisions to make in the coming years. Today’s election will have a big effect on those decisions https://www.arlingtonma.gov/town-governance/elections-voting/where-to-vote-polling-locations
Rain in #ArlingtonMA Heights has changed over to a driving heavy wet snow #MAwx
We joined with elected leaders & residents of #ArlingtonMA last night to mourn the loss of MK, the female bald eagle killed by ingesting rodenticide.
Let's ban these vicious poisons & protect raptors (who are among the best rat control tools we have!)
From @charlesriver RT by @MassSierraClub: We joined with elected leaders & residents of #ArlingtonMA tonight mourning the loss of MK, the female bald eagle killed by ingesting rodenticide. Let's ban these vicious poisons & protect raptors (who are among the best rat control tools we have!) @seangarballeyMA @repdaverogers
Conditions on the #minutemanbikeway this morning in #arlingtonma. Icy but crunchy. As the day wears on it'll become slushy, and if it's not treated, overnight it'll become frozen footprints and tire treads or completely slick. Hope this helps you plan your #bikecommute
#minutemanbikeway #arlingtonma #bikecommute
Huh - makes me wonder if we in #somervilleMA or the adjacent towns like #MedfordMA, #ArlingtonMA, and #CambridgeMA have any light pollution regulations.
#SomervilleMA #medfordma #arlingtonma #cambridgema
Hello there Hawk, what yah eatin’? #hawk #birds #BirdsOfPrey #ArlingtonMA
#hawk #birds #birdsofprey #arlingtonma
@thomasconnor Do you get out to #ArlingtonMA much? #Barismo up on #MassAve, just a couple blocks over the #CambridgeMA line, roasts on site, usually open from like 9a-2p https://goo.gl/maps/svZW5TAra9pvKyAm8
#arlingtonma #barismo #massave #cambridgema